A Clue / Night Fall (Chapter 8)

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No one's POV
The Haywoods and Beast Family were having a meeting on the sabotaging of Bella and Tuck's wedding. Tuck told them about the pink diamonds and Briar's necklace...

"You really think that Briar is behind this?" Adam questioned.

"I'm not 100% sure but I noticed on her necklace, she was missing pink diamonds and they look identical to the diamonds we found at the crime scene," Tuck explains.

"I kinda believe it, Briar has been bossy and telling me what to do for my wedding. We really need her gone." Bella said.

"True and we do believe that Briar is the one who sabotages but we need proof," Ben said.

Ben gets a call. He went outside of the room.

"Ben's right. We need proof and we need to find the wedding rings." Mal said.

"We looked everywhere, whoever stole them was very sneaky." Belle said.

"And knows our firewalls," Ben said coming back into the room. "I just got off the phone with the security guards, someone hacked the camera and we went straight to the rings and more flowers and decorations went missing."

"I think it's obvious that someone planned this out but all wedding planning is now in secret. How did the person know?" Brody questioned.

"We need to find a way to protect the wedding." Mal said.

"But how?" Adam questioned.

"We could place a trap." Beau suggested.

"But then the theft will know if we do. They may have placed cameras in where the wedding is and there is no way we can find out who did it." Ben said.

"Carlos," Mal said, making everyone look at her.


"What about Uncle Carlos, mom?" Bella asked.

"Carlos is tech-wizz, and he is teaching computers in schools in Nashville. Maybe he can find out who's behind this." Mal explains.

"That is a genius," Cassidy said.

"Well, Carlos did help me with a computer problem when I started using computers." Bella said.

Later that day...

Bella, Tuck, Mal, Ben, and Beau were with Carlos to find the wedding crasher.

"Find anything?" Bella asked Carlos.

"Hang on..." Carlos said hacking into the camera from when the wedding rings were stolen... "Bingo!"

Carlos unblocked the camera.

"Now, this isn't perfect but we should be able to see what happened." Carlos said.

"Whatever works. Good job." Ben said.

They watch the camera and saw the rings. The video started to glitch but they still saw what was going on. They noticed someone walking into the room, smashing the glass, and taking the wedding rings.

"Don't bother the wedding, Princess and Cowboy." The person said, however, their face wasn't visible either to see who it was. But they had a pink diamond necklace.

"Wait, wait. Pause. Look at what they're wearing." Mal said.

"A pink diamond necklace, that looks identical to Briar's necklace." Bella said.

Carlos cleared the video more, and it was Briar. But Briar noticed the camera and shot it with magic.

The next day...

The VK's, Beast Family, and Haywoods were now at Audrey and Harry's castle/ Pirate place. They all walk through the castle to get to Briar's castle.

"How did Briar get powers?" Bella asked.

"It's probably because of me. I mean, I stole Maleficent's Scepter and got powers." Audrey said.

"Not wrong, that was the only time I turned into a beast." Ben said.

"A big puppy beast, that's for sure." Carlos jokes, making everyone laugh.

"This place is so cool. Love the princess and pirate combined together." Brody said.

"We can go on pirate adventures." Dylan said.

"That would be cool." Tuck said.

"I can ask Uma if you want to come along on our next pirate adventure." Bella said.

"That will have to wait." Evie said.

"Yes, but I would look good in a pirate hat." Bailey said.

They headed into a room with knight armor and pirate outfits on mankind, each has a sword.

"So, this is cool," Ben said.

"Don't touch anything." Harry said.

"Did your father have these, Harry?" Jay asked.

"Yes. A long time ago." Harry said, in his crazy style.

"So cute," Audrey said, charmed by his style.

"Audrey went crazy for Harry." Evie said, making Mal, and Carlos laugh.

"Briar better have an explanation for why she's doing this." Audrey said.

"Yeah. I can't imagine why she would do this." Mal said.

But Briar was watching, she started to make the armor move. Cassidy and Chloe noticed.

"Umm... guys." Chloe said trying to get everyone's attention.

"We shouldn't have taught Briar a lesson about being spoiled." Harry said.

"Guys?" Cassidy said.

"What would it be? Not being princess perfect." Bella said.

The armor moves.

"Guys!" Cassidy and Chloe yelled, making everyone look at them. They pointed at the moving armor.

"Well... well... well. You guys found out my secret. But here's a hint. You're not getting out." Briar said before evilly laughing.

The armor and pirate outfits started to move and attacked them...

(A/N: Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Harry like in the video, just add everyone else in)

The armor and pirate outfits fell to the ground...

Hey Unicorn Stars
I apologize for not updating. I can update in my free time but the reality is that I don't. I'm in my senior year of high school and I can't let my stories become a big distraction like last year.

I hope you understand.

I'll see you in the next chapter, bye.

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