Ch2 Bad boys

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"Bad boys?"

"Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but it's true."

"Then let's hear it—"

"Omo sis, what did you do? Look, your palm is bleeding."

Kaiya opened her palm, and when we saw that what Kaila said was true, her palms were bleeding due to the broken pen she was holding.

"Oh, sorry, I was surprised by what I heard, I didn't know I broke the pen into two."

"Here, let me treat your wound."

I sat beside her and took out my first-aid kit from my backpack.

"Wahhh, you have kit with you?"

"Um, always since high school."


"Because of Jimin and the rest of the boys."

"Ohh interesting."

"I think so, let me finish treating you first so I can start telling you about our high-school life."


My dad drops me off at school every day before he goes to work. I was on my first year of high school, and in the very first week after school began, I witnessed the first trouble on campus.

As I entered the main gate, I was startled by most of the students running in the same direction, and since it was just the first week, I hadn't made any friends yet. I got curious and followed the other students where they were headed until we reached the school gym. Students are gathering outside, pushing each other, just to have a view of inside from the windows and doors since the gym of the school has 3 doors and 6 wide windows. I can see that some students are scared and some are laughing. I got curious even more, so I tried to push some students away so I could get near the window. It was the first time I saw Park Jimin, and on the stage of him, beating a male student. The boy was lying on the floor, and Jimin was hovering over him, giving him punches left and right. Everybody is watching, but no one dares to stop him. When Jimin was done hitting the boy, he left the gym with his friends. Everyone left the gym, leaving the boy with blood all over his face. I stood there, frozen, watching as everyone disappeared. Since no one helped the boy, I turned and gave him a hand.

At first he didn't accept my help and asked me to leave before Jimin knew about it, but instead, I told him not to worry about me but to worry for himself. When I finally convinced him, I brought him to the clinic, where the nurse treated him. I waited until it was all done, and when I offered to walk him to his classroom, that's when I knew his room was just beside mine.

That same day I made friends, his name is Gemyrie and the guy who beats him is named Park Jimin, and his group is called Bangtan. They are the bad guys in school because Jimin's family owns the school.

And that scene is the reason why I always have a first-aid kit on my bag every time go to school.


"Oh my, oh my..."

"Now we know why they are the bad guys."

"They are also the playboys in school."




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