Ch5 I'll show you

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I was sitting at the waiting shed outside the school, waiting for my dad to come and pick me up. The first day of the school's second semester ends that fast. My friends had already left, and I was the only one here waiting. My attention was on the opposite side of the road. That road is always busy, especially at times like this when students get off the campus after their class. Students mob the street food on that roadside. The way they smile and their expression tells it all-that the food there was really good but too sad I can't have even just a bite of those and the more I got sad every time I got the chance to see this crowd, I felt something was missing, there was something here before that isn't here now.

My thoughts got cut off when I heard a horn from a car. I look at my left side to see my dad already waiting inside our car. I walked in his direction and got in.

"Are you okay, my daughter?"

"All good, dad, just a bit tired, I guess."

"Then let's take you home. Mum will cook something I know you will like."

"That's good, dad. Let's go."

"Mum, this dinner was one of the best, your cooking is the best."

"Stop that, dear, you're flattering me."

"I'm just telling the truth, mom."

I look at dad, who was busy munching his food but still managed to smile while listening to her wife and daughter's moment. For me, my parents are the best, if I got to choose who will be my parents in my next life, I would still choose this Song couple. I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I was never pampered with luxurious things. I remember one time when we needed to attend my friend's birthday party when I was 12 years old, mum and I just wore a very simple and not so expensive dress like the celebrant and her family, so with the other guess. I told my mom that I want to wear a gown that is as beautiful and, if possible, more expensive than that of my friend, but my mom just ignores me, so we end up wearing the simplest dress at the party. I don't understand why Mom lets us look like that, not until the party ends.

"My dear, are you mad at mommy?"

When we are in the car riding back home, mom notices that I am so silent in the back seat. I sometimes snap at the rare mirror and have caught dad stealing a glance at me many times.

"No, mom, I'm just sad. I want to be as pretty as my friend, but you didn't allow me."

I said, I was pouting already, and it's true, I felt really sad at the moment.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but mom has a reason. Do you want to know?"

"Of course, mom, I wanted to."

"Well, then, tomorrow I want you to wake up early and come with me. I'll show you the reason."

"Mom, what are we going to do here?"

"Come inside, follow me, and you'll see."

I walked up so early because I was so eager to know Mom's reason that she promised to tell me, but I was surprised when we got off her car just in front of a bank. I follow behind her, just like she said. We enter the building, and every person we pass wishes us a good morning as they bow at us, which I also did. I kept on bowing to everyone that I didn't know we'd already reached the counter. My mother said something to the lady behind the desk, and after a while the lady escorted us to another table. Me and my mom sit in the chair facing another lady, and they start their conversation. The lady is talking to my mother while her eyes are focused on the monitor of her computer and her hands are busy typing at the keyboard. Mum also kept on talking while also busy doing her thing, she starts to ramp up on her bag before taking out a pile of money.

"My dear, look here. This is what we saved from buying the cheap dress that we wore yesterday, and half of this will go to your bank account for your future, and the other half we will deposit into the orphanage bank account."

And from there, I learned my first lesson about being a rich kid.

I learned to be thrifty.

I learned to be thrifty

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