Ch15 Still alive

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Y/N's attention was all on the beauty of the sky, she is looking above, which is why she didn't see me looking at her here. Watching her amazement at the sky, I was also amazed by her beauty under the moonlight. Her face looks so smooth, she didn't have any makeup on, even her lips were natural pink, which is why she didn't have to apply lipstick to them. I was so into her natural beauty and suddenly got snapped out when,

"Yah Park Jimin."

She yelled louder enough to give my ear a problem.

"Oh, yes, come again?"

"I said, what is Park Jimin doing in the park?"

"Ah, that's nothing, I just want to kill the time."

"What? How about this? Send me home before I kill you."

She stood up and yelled. I wanted to make things memorable with her since it was our first time to be together at the park, but it looks like she hates park, so I immediately stood up too because of an idea that suddenly played in my mind.

I ran away from her before provoking her to run after me and chase me.

"You will not get sued for killing me if you can kill me, which I doubt that you can."

She ran and chased me but not fast enough to catch me. She chased me for about 5 minutes, but still, she didn't succeed and just made me tired, which made me end up squatting on the ground. She sat beside me, panting like me, and again we both fell into silence.

"Thank you for driving me home."

We reached her place at half past seven at night. I open the car door and help her get out of the car. She was about to turn to leave, but she got frozen when I held her onto her arm.

"Y/N, what you saw at the canteen this lunch break was not what it looked like, let me explain that situation."


"Umm, I don't want you to think I was with that girl, it was that-"

"I'm sorry, Jimin, but I don't have anything to do with what so ever business you have. Not before, and definitely not now or later."

I enter my room with a heavy heart. 'Not before, not now, or later,' Y/N's words keep ringing in my brain.

I sat on my bed, looking at the photo frame on the top of my nightstand. I take it with me before I flopped my body on the bed and hold it up, above right on my face and talk to it.

"Babe, she is exactly just like you—a sassy one. But I think I can handle her, just like I handle you."

I was smiling at Angela's photo and caressing her face against the frame. Time flies too fast, already a year has passed since the accident. If only I had picked her up that day, she would probably still be alive by now. After her death, I thought I could not move on anymore, but that changed after her anniversary, when I sent Y/N home on that rainy day.

After that, I became alive again, thinking Angela was still alive in the person of Y/N.

After that, I became alive again, thinking Angela was still alive in the person of Y/N

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