Ch41 After you

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I felt really sorry for Y/N for my action. I raised my voice a little at her, but I didn't intend to do that. I was just getting carried away by my emotions when the girl asked me if I was her daddy, but it seems that Y/N was trying to avoid the topic, which caused me to raise my voice a little. When Minjee was a few metres away from us and I knew she had already found some kids to play with, I slowly turned my head back to Y/N and saw that tears were still running down her face.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

I kept saying the same words and pulling her into a hug. I didn't say any words and just took in the feeling of touching her again. She rested her chin on my shoulder, and little by little, her cry stopped until I felt her arms around my waist.

"I miss you so much, baby."

She didn't say anything, but she pulled my body closer to her. I smile at her action and place a kiss on top of her head. After a while, I guide her carefully so we can sit on the grass because I knew we had so many things to sort out, but I still make sure that I don't lose track of Minjee.

We sat facing each other as I held her hands with mine and caressed them gently. I can feel she wants to intertwine our hands, but she's a little doubtful, so I help her and intertwine our hands, and I saw her smile a little before looking up to me.

"What's wrong, baby? What's stopping you?

Her smile suddenly fades and turns into sadness.

"Y-your wife."

"My wife? She's the reason why you're stopping yourself from getting close to me again?"

"Umm, I went to your apartment this morning, but before I can get through your door, your wife comes out with your son. I saw how happy they were, so I've decided not to look for you anymore. I don't want to be the reason for your flight. I don't want to ruin a happy family."

I smile, and now I know why she's avoiding me to formally meeting Minjee. Let me play with you for a minute Y/N, I'm sorry, baby.

"Minjee? Is she mine?"

"Yes. I tested positive of being pregnant weeks after we broke up, which is why I always felt weak, dizzy, and pale as well. But Jimin, she is too young to understand our situation."

"What do you mean?"

"She is still too young to understand that she doesn't have a complete family. How will she react if she meets you and finds out that you already have your own family? She will get confused, Jimin."

"Don't you want her to have a little brother?"

"Oh my god, Jimin, are you even listening to me? Do you even understand what I'm trying to explain here?"

Now it's her who raises her voice on me, she also stood up, but I was fast enough to stop her by grabbing her wrist with full force as I stood up too.

"Look, I'm sorry, I do understand everything. What I mean with the little brother is when we give it to her."


She yells again, and this time I smile and give her a peck on the lips before hugging her from behind so we can both see our daughter from far.

"After I graduate, I start to manage the school in behalf of my father. I did my best too, so he would be satisfied with my work, and from that I built my dream house on my own. So, after a year, I sold my apartment unit, I moved into the house where I dreamed to spend the rest of my life with the woman who left me after she found out that I only used her because she had the heart of my deceased lover."


This time, she says my name in a very sexy and tempting way.

Hold your hormones Jimin, that can wait.

"I never get into marriage, baby, and I never have a child with any woman."


"I'm sure that's the wife of the new owner."


I nod and laugh at her reaction, still cute as a baby.

"So, about Minjee?"

"Yes, she is your daughter. I named her after you. Park Minjee it is."



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