Ch38 Jimin

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"Mr. Park?"

I was brought back to my senses when I heard someone say my name.

"Omg, it was my first time to see him this close, and it was true, he's handsome as fuck. I don't know if I still want to go on a date anymore."

"Same here."

I close my eyes upon hearing the two students standing a few metres away from me. Although they were whispering at each other, I could still clearly hear what they were saying since the surrounding were so silent.

After I graduated college, my dad immediately passed on to me the responsibilities of handling the school. I don't have any idea or experience to run a business or lead a company since I just graduated at that time, but I still take full responsibility as the president of this school my parents built, and with the help of my noona, I think I'm doing as well as my parents expected. Thats all thanks to my beautiful and very supportive sister.

"Mr. Park."

The two students giggling got my attention.

"Good morning, ladies, I don't want to hold you longer because I think you will be late for your class if I do that."

I face them with my sweetest smile, not because I am interested in entertaining them but with the intention of shooing them away and not interrupting the moment while I recall the past, where and how I first saw Y/N. Right now I was standing exactly where my car was when I saw her very confused face standing near the gate, looking puzzled while staring in mine and my friends directions. No one can blame me if I'm always here standing at the same spot since I'm here in school not as a student anymore but as a worker. I'm the new president of this school, but I'm still a worker. I'm here to work and serve the school for the better. I'm here to work, but I can't stop myself from giving myself time to stand here and recall my Y/N's memories since I miss her every second of the day.

When the students turn to walk away, I also make my way to the school's car park. This school is not enough for me to remember those times Y/N made me smile. I also give myself more time to visit the place where she made me feel peaceful, happy, relaxed, and loved. Now I have a plan to relax and feel loved the whole day, and staying and spending the rest of the day in that place will give me peace.

I sat on the grass, watching the kids run around happily while their guardians were after them. Everyone is having a memorable day, but I am doing nothing but admiring someone's happiness.

When do I become totally happy?

I want to feel real happiness, not just like this. Though I feel happy by just remembering all things in the past about Y/N, until when? I wanted real happiness, and to be with her again was true happiness.


A small and cute voice cut through my thoughts about Y/N. I looked behind me just to see a girl that was on the ground. She fell, but she didn't cry.

What a strong kid!

"Here, let me help you."

I held out my hands to her, and she immediately accepted them. When she laid her small hand on my palm, there was something in my heart that I couldn't explain.

"Thank you, sir."

She again cut me out of my thoughts.

"You're welcome."

She smiled at me sweetly, then bent down a little, trying to clean herself from the dirt she got from falling on the ground. I watch her closely, admiring her for being so independent at such a young age. She is smiling while saying something to herself, she is convincing herself that she is fine and no one saw her fall, so there's nothing to be ashamed of. I smiled and shook my head, amazed at how this cute little bouncy girl was brought up by her parents.


And again, I was cut off from my thoughts about the cute little girl in front of me when a familiar voice hit my ears.

And again, I was cut off from my thoughts about the cute little girl in front of me when a familiar voice hit my ears

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