Ch44 His love

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"Mommy look!"

"You're so beautiful, honey, and that dress makes you look like a real princess."

"You are beautiful too, mommy, and that dress makes you look like a queen."

"Thank you."

I smile at my daughter and the way she praises me, but aside from that, she is really beautiful, and the dress suits her well.

"Come give mommy a kiss."

She carefully comes near me with her arms wide open for a hug as I bend down a little and open my arms too.

"Congratulations mommy."

She kissed me after congratulating me, and I was happy that it was happening. Today, me and Jimin will face the altar and share our vows for each other. I didn't regret those times when he proposed to me and rejected him. I think what I did was a clever decision. Jimin patiently waited, and he even respects that more. And now, after two years, I can't explain how happy I am right now that we are finally going to stand at the altar. But actually, this time the proposal was mine. While dating, I felt that the Jimin I dated before was no different from the Jimin I'm dating in the present. He is still the same, the caring and loving Jimin who served me like a queen, the Jimin who spoiled me with anything, the Jimin who handles me like a precious gem, which I regretted so much when I misunderstood and saw that his love wasn't for me but for Angela, the woman who changed him for the better, and I envy her for that, but I'm also still thankful for her for turning Jimin into the very responsible man that he is now.

"No, you can't get in, dude, you just have to wait at the altar, you silly man."

I turned to look at the door where the voice was coming from, and I also saw my daughter already sticking her ear at the door, listening carefully to the noise that was coming from outside.

"But I can't wait, Hyung. What if she changes her mind? I have to see her now."

It was Jimin with his very demanding voice. My eyes landed on my daughter, who is now laughing at what she heard.

"Minjee, honey, what are you doing there?"

"Mom, can you hear that? Thats dad, he wants to break through and see you."

"Yah, I heard it, honey, but we can't see each other or else, like Grandma said, this wedding will not be done, and we both don't want that to happen, right? So let's just stay still and wait till your uncles drag your dad away from here."

"I hope they can do that, knowing how stubborn dad is."

We both fell into laughter after my daughter's statement, and she was right, Jimin is stubborn.

I was standing behind these beautiful ladies who were wearing a gold dresses like mine, waiting for the door to open. Standing on both sides of me were my parents, who would walk me down the aisle. When the door opens, the music starts to play. By this, I know Jimin was already waiting inside since, in our tradition, the priest, Jimin's grandparent, his parents, him, and his best man, which is Yoongi Opp, will be the first to walk inside the church, and after them, it will be our turn, which my maid of honours Kayla and Kaila my best friends, will be the first to step in followed by the others until I become the spotlight. The smile on my face was painted as I got nearer to the altar. I could see Jimin smiling even more as I got nearer to him, but he couldn't hide those tears that were ruining his make-up. He is crying so much that I can't help but wonder if he's crying for happiness or because he is regretting accepting my proposal to marry me, because if that's the case, well, I feel sorry for him.

Sorry, Jimin, you fished at the wrong pond, daddy.

Sorry, Jimin, you fished at the wrong pond, daddy

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