Chapter 7

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Tried to update quickly! I felt pretty bad about not putting the dance in the last chapter..hopefully this makes up for it! Lyric video for "Hero" on the side :)

Plus, I was pretty excited the the views have doubled since yesterday! It's not much compared to some stories that reach a million views haha, but hey! It's my first story on here, so I'm happy!


🏀Trey Parker

I didn't want to be here.

High school dances are lame. The only reason I came was because I was nominated for winter king, and I was obligated to come.

I was planning on skipping, until my friends showed up and wouldn't let me.

Douche bags.

So now here I am, disguised to the extreme to that on one can recognize me. I have a dark grey mask and a black hat, which according to Drew's date, the hat was really in style.

Like I give a damn about whether my hat is fashionable.

I was wearing a black tux with a dark grey button up shirt beneath and a dark grey tie.

I sighed, leaning against the drink table, when suddenly a redhead comes up to me. She was decently hot, her dress was pretty slutty though, and I just found that a turn off. It was really short and skin tight, dark green, too.

"You look like you could use some fun," she purred. I raised my eyebrows.

"Nah, I'm actually alright here."

"Come on, just dance with me," she rolled her eyes behind her gold mask and took my arm before pulling me out to the floor. I couldn't help but notice that she sort if strutted when she walked. Hmm..

I sighed, but gave in to the dancing. I thought I'd get more into it, but I just wasn't feeling it at all. The ginger, however, was obviously very into it..too much, actually. My eyes subconsciously grazed the room for a certain small girl who loves cookies. I gave up, there was no use looking for her when everyone was dressed up in masks.

I eventually pulled away from the ginger, "Umm, I have to go find my friends," I mumbled before quickly walking off.

I saw Jason and rushed to him, "I'm leaving."

"What? No! Dude we just got here like a half hour ago."

"Yeah well it sucks ass," I bluntly put it. Jason's date raised her eyebrows at me, but I didn't care. They probably wouldn't even speak again after tonight.

"Come on bro, just stay another half hour," he asked while slapping the side of my arm lightly.

I sighed, "Twenty nine minutes now."

Jason smirked, "That's my boy."

I rolled my eyes at him before he took his date out into the dance floor.

I happened to glance over at the door in time to see three girls walk in the door, one with their arm looped through their date's, and the other two without dates. All the girls were beautiful, but one of them stood out and was just..stunning. Jaw dropping.

She was wearing a light blue dress that stopped about an inch above the floor. She must have been slightly nervous because she took a deep breath and her fingers were fidgeting together. She was wearing a white mask. I felt my feet moving toward her, and I don't know why. My eyes never left her, until someone stopped me.

I stopped abruptly so I wouldn't plow over the girl in front of me. She startled me, snapping me from my daze.

"Can I help you?" I asked her, hoping that with my tone she would understand that I was irritated by her sudden appearance.

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