Chapter 23 (Fixed)

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Aw here's the FINAL chapter..*sniff sniff* please read the A/N at the end!!

Dedication: crayonhugs..because her comment was one of my most favorite of the story. it was so sweet, and she said 'bloody' in it! :D loved the comment a ton.


🍦Hayden Marvel

I decided not to mention Trey's arrival at my house to Lilly and Claire. I figured it would just get overly dramatic, and I wanted to sort through all this insanity with only myself.

That's one reason why school was absolute torture the next day.

I was alone in my thoughts, with no one to relate to. I kept my eyes open for Trey, because I wanted to see how he would react if he saw me- that was bound to give me some hint towards the truth of what he said, right? Not only that, but after last night, I was dying to see him again. I thought about him the entire night, and I figured that if I saw him, his expression would give me insight towards what to do with this unfortunate situation.

Much to my despair though, I didn't see him at all. Not once throughout the entire day. By the time lunch rolled around, I hadn't seen any trace of Trey lurking in the halls. I wondered if something was up, and if he was avoiding me. He almost always at least walks by my locker during the day..

Oh no, was he ignoring me? My heart began to sink at the thought. Right now, that seemed like the most likely option. Yet again, him ditching school also seems like something that could have happened..

I'm thinking too much, I know I am. I think it was that cup of coffee, (I had my first cup of my life this morning). But in my defense, I thought it was hot chocolate and that my parents had made me a nice cup of it before they took off with Thomas. Needless to say, I was thoroughly disappointed when I discovered a bitter taste rather than chocolatey sweetness.

My internal struggle was interrupted by the bell, which signaled that third period was over. I was kind of slow leaving class, since I had just returned from being zoned out.

I sauntered over to my locker mindlessly, and sighed as I grabbed my physics textbook. Fiddling with my locker for a second, I looked around the hallway..not for anyone in particular. But then Seth appeared right in front of my face, and I jumped in surprise.

"Jeez! Seth you scared me!" I exclaim as my heart settles back to it's more regular beating.

Seth chuckled and gave me a teasing look, "You're just too easy."

Instead of defending myself like I usually would have, I rolled my eyes and put my lock back on it's hook.

"Anyways, ready for physics?" Seth asked with mock enthusiasm. We have the class together, and since our third period classes are in the same hallway, we normally walk together.

All I did was nod in response and take one last look down the hallway before we turned. It then occurred to me that this was the same corner and the same time of day that I ran into Trey (literally) for the first time. It was the time I met that gorgeous idiot that I would stupidly fall in love with.

"Hello? Hayden?" Seth said with raised eyebrows, waving a hand in front of my face.

I swatted his hand away irritated, "What?"

He chuckled, "You've been zoning out a lot." Seth noted and I blinked a few times, realizing that we were now in the classroom, sitting down, and listening to our teacher start the lecture. I even had a pen and paper out, which I don't remember doing at all.

I got lost in my Trey reverie, and I hadn't even noticed that we walked all the way across campus? Wow. Well crap, I need to stop that whole zoning out thing.

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