Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"What do you want for dinner?" Kade asked as I walked out of the bathroom, drying my hair with a towel after a ridiculously long shower. I'd gone for a ridiculously long run after school today since I was no longer going to soccer practice yet still craved the exercise.

My parents were at parent-teacher conferences. My mom's appearance must've been a total shock to all of the teachers who know my dad as the "it's complicated" single soccer coach, so Kade and I decided to take advantage of the night alone.

Neither of us had mentioned his impending departure, but Jesse had finally talked to me about her mom and I knew she was coming back on Saturday... There was no more mention of the pregnancy scare, but I knew it all had to do with stress about her mom coming back.

But that gave me just three more days with Kade before...

"Uh, we could just order takeout?" I offered. "Thai? Whatever you want."

"Nah, let's make something." Kade smiled, standing up from my bed. "I've barely seen you this week, let's do something fun. I want it to be special..."

I shrugged, tossing my hair towel on my desk chair. "I dunno... I'm not really in the mood to-"

"I'll cook all of it." Kade smiled, reaching down to grab his jeans from the floor. "Come on, put some clothes on and let's go see what we've got."

I couldn't help but smile as he kissed my forehead and headed off to the kitchen without even bothering to put a shirt on.

Now THAT could be my meal.

I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top before following Kade to the kitchen.

This week had been one of the busiest of my life. Between catching up with my mom, finally talking to Jesse about her own mother situation, and still getting all of my homework done, I'd only seen Kade in little snippets where we could get free time.

A sneaky make-out session in the hallway when everyone was watching game film in the living room, a midnight rendezvous when his sister was asleep, and tonight, our first chance to really see each other in a while.

So when I walked into the kitchen to see him already starting food, my heart absolutely melted.

He had some salmon from the fridge out on the counter and was already sautéing some broccoli and carrots.

"Wow, when he cooks." I grinned, biting my lip as I walked up behind him.

"It's only gonna take like twenty minutes, this salmon is already defrosted it's great." Kade told me, bumping his hips back against mine.

"Salmon is my favorite." I told him, wrapping my arms around him and pressing my forehead against his back. "And so are you."

"Hey." Kade said softly, turning around to face me. With surprising ease, he lifted me up and set me on the counter, pressing a kiss to my lips. "You're my favorite."

I laughed as he kissed the middle of my neck, sending tingles across my shoulders.

"Whoa." I whispered, reaching up to twist my fingers in his hair.

"We gotta eat the salmon first." Kade whispered in my ear, kissing me softly. "Then I'll devour you."

I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer in an attempt to keep him there.

"Why wait?" I offered, trying to bend down to kiss him.

"I'm hungry, dude." Kade laughed, sounding kind of apologetic but also quite amused. "Later, I promise."

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