Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I woke up at 5:30 in the morning with the worst head cold in the history of the planet.

It wasn't the weed last night that was making my throat and head hurt... It was the beginning of a cold from the depths of fiery hell.

Still half asleep, I got out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, barely able to see through the sleep in my eyes. Swallowing was as painful as knives and I was nearly whimpering as I opened the medicine cabinet in search of something to calm my symptoms.

I took four Advil liquigels, literally crying as I swallowed the water and pills, then popped a Zicam tablet that would hopefully do some good in shortening my symptoms.

Back in my warm bed, I was shivering and simultaneously sweating as I managed to send a text to my dad: 'sick... no school...' and turn off my alarm before settling into that hazy stage between being awake and being asleep when you're sick.

Where everything hurts and you're too tired to move but everything is too stimulated to actually fall asleep.

Instead, I was stuck in that uncomfortable limbo, forced to think about the events of last night.

Hooking up with Kade again was amazing, but I was worried I was getting myself into something I couldn't handle.

What would Jesse say when she found out?

It didn't matter. She wouldn't find out.

Why would I have to tell her?

Kade wouldn't say anything and neither would I.

"What's going on?" My dad asked, suddenly walking into my room. "I got your text why are you sick?"

"Oh hey." I croaked, shocking even myself at how ridiculous I sounded. "I've got one of those cold things. Everything is inflamed in my head."

"Yeah me too." My dad replied, walking closer to my bed. "Woke up about an hour ago and couldn't move."

"How many Advil did you take?" I pushed myself into a seat position as he sat down at the edge of my bed.

"Five." He admitted with a laugh.

"Jesus." I whispered, shaking my head.

"Wanna go set up camp in front of the tv and watch something?" Dad offered, raising his eyebrows at me. "We'll get someone to bring us ice cream and soup later."

"Sounds like a plan." I laughed, slowly getting myself out of bed. "Everything hurts." I whimpered.

As we were walking down the hall, I thought back to the events of last night.

The headache and sore throat that I attributed to the weed might have just been the night before symptoms of this cold.

Oops. Poor Kade.


"When is that soup getting here." I whined, tightly holding the mug of tea to try and get some warmth back into my body.

"Any minute now." My dad sighed, getting up from the couch as his phone buzzed.

He'd been dozing off on the couch all morning while I was too anxious and jittery from my symptoms to sleep.

I watched old episodes of Grey's Anatomy and sipped on tea all morning but I really wanted my pint of Ben and Jerry's Tonight Dough. Being sick was the perfect opportunity to openly break a healthy diet and not have my dad give me a huge lecture.

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