💧 Atticus x GN!Reader (Two Birds)

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No signature on the art but found on Google being credited to saboten_ on Danbooru

I hope I did this okay. First angst I've done and it's for our Shakespearean ninja boy!
Requested by @zozocibib
Sorry I couldn't do a male reader like you requested, but I can do GN instead.
Sorry for how long this took and I hope you like it! Trying my hand at a songfic since I can't think of anything better for angst. Lyrics are in italics.
Tw: Death, yelling, broken bones, thoughts of suicide


Two birds on a wire

"Hey babe..."
"I'm sorry my fair lover. Mine focus must be on the outfits of mine contractors."

(Y/n) nodded and spoke.

"I know you do, I'm just worried..."

The man speaking of old had shook his head.

One tries to fly away
And the other
Watches him close from that wire

"I offer mine sincerest apologies. Mayhaps I can offer a date once I've finished?"

The man was focused, barely any emotion in his voice. (Y/n) sighed and looked down.

"If you say so. Just... let's try having it soon, okay Atticus?"

There was no reaction. Not even a slight nod. He immediately focused back on the cloth in front of him, ignoring the desperate lover behind him.

He says he wants to as well
But he is a liar

There was no way to describe the near endless crying (Y/n) had went through. The once lovable and cuddly boyfriend had turned into a man focused solely on the projects.

He was under stress, taking too much at once and barley sleeping or eating. (Y/n) tried, but he hardly listened to them.

I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand

Even though he was done with the project he had worked on, he quickly accepted another, simply telling his lover they'd need to wait some more time. They tried to be calm, thinking they were clingy for some time, until sassy little Ortega had pointed out himself that they seem distant, and that they'd probably break up soon if they don't fix it.

I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand

(Y/n) had tried, even going as far as asking if the others had advice or could help, being friends since high school. They tried to help, though Atticus, pushed by work stress, had immediately yelled when they went on a date.

Two birds on a wire

It was terrifying. He never raised his voice, even against the people who would harass him, his friends, or his beautiful lover. Hearing of that, his friends couldn't believe it and didn't bring it up with him, just thinking (Y/n) was clingy.

One says "c'mon"
And the other says "I'm tired"

"Hey... my little ninja..."

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