💞 Ortega x Fem!Reader (Approval)

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Art by @dentiganai on I think Twitter
I had to bring my precious fairy boy back and this art is just beautiful

Tw: Mention of his old bullying, teasing ig, implied lemon at the end but nothing further


Ortega blushed as he gently grabbed my hands. I hugged him from behind while he was fixing a suit.

"Ortie, you don't need to stress so much." "Oh says you. Your family is very well known." He grumbled and I nuzzled his neck as I spoke.

"And your parents are there too. Very well known in fashion." I mumbled comfortingly and he hesitated. We were going to my sister's wedding, which she had also designed as a family reunion and meeting, thoroughly making sure to invite family and lovers, even if they're unknown. Since she knows I've been dating Ortega, she made it clear in her invitation that it was either both of us, or neither. To comfort him, his parents offered to come as well, and when I asked, she immediately sounded happier with the idea, agreeing once she spoke about it with her fiancé.

At the wedding, we each left a gift at the reception before entering the main hall. Each family was color coded based on our invitations, and ours was, luckily for Ortega, pink. When he looked around and saw everyone, he panicked and left to the bathroom with his parents.

"It's good you all came!" I nodded and smiled. I pat her back. "Be easy on Ortie, okay?" "Hm? But how might I know my possible brother in law is good enough for my sister if he can't handle a little teasing?" I sighed and kissed her cheek.

"All I'm saying is to not make fun of him. Don't bully him, got it?" She was confused why I was so firm about it, since I normally just laugh it off and go along with it. Though, she nodded and smiled.

"Where is he?" "Stressing in the bathroom. Don't worry, I will introduce him." She nodded and returned to her fiancé.

When he came back out, I noticed he splashed his face with water and mumbled.

"(Y/n)... What if they don't approve?" "They will. I promise they will." He nodded and leaned on my shoulder. His parents walked next to him and smiled.

"It'll be fine Ortega. I'm sure they'll be happy to see you two together." He nodded and mumbled as we got to the ceremony hall. "I hope so..." We found our section and sat down as we waited.

After the ceremony, when it was just the family here, my sister jumped next to Ortega and took his hand.

"You're so small! Are you my baby sister's boyfriend?" She cheered as she stared down at him. He tensed as he blushed and the others looked. Mom came here and smiled.

"Oh! This is the boyfriend you've told us so much about?" I nodded and took him from my sister and spoke as I smiled.

"That's right. This is Ortega and his parents. Be easy on him, okay?" They laughed and I spoke as I held him tightly. "I mean it. Be nice, got it? Don't take it too far." He was confused and looked up at me. I smiled and spoke.

"We just like teasing people. I'm warning them ahead of time." He nodded and sighed. "Thanks..." He blushed as he looked down and I nodded. Mom smiled as her eyes brightened.

"You're so cute!" She picked him up and he froze as his eyes widened. I was surprised and his mom was worried. I looked back at her and spoke.

"This is normal... I'm sorry Ortega..." I mumbled and mom put him down.

"Say, boy. Why do you deserve to be with my youngest?" Dad asked him, sounding threatening, until I spoke.

"Dad, he's best partners with fairy types. Calm down." He smiled and sent out his partner, Mimikyu. Ortega sent out his Dachsbun and dad smiled.

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