Chapter 5

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▪️I Z A R A▪️

"You know, Khagra, if you keep giving me special treatment, I'm never going to hear the end of it, especially from the King."

The warrior Orc flashed me a roguish smile as he replied, "Don't worry about it, I'll handle Baldur. Besides, if I choose to escort my handmaiden anywhere within the castle or the kingdom for that matter, it is well within my right."

"I suppose after the events of this morning, a personal escort might be in order," I said with a nervous chuckle.

At this, Khagra threw his head back and laughed.

My eyes observed the veins along the column of his throat before I trailed my gaze over the contours of his face. He had such an infectious laugh and was an Orc that always seemed to have an aura of cheerfulness about him. Which was completely different from that of his best friend, though in this regard, opposites did attract.

"I still can't believe you threw hot tea in his face!"

"For the last time, I told you, by the time our argument had escalated, his food was cold and the tea had gotten warm. But even so, I'm not proud of my actions, I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me," I confessed.

The skin of my face tingled as I recalled the events from a few moments ago.

My encounter with King Baldur over breakfast this morning had been more tense than usual. For whatever reason, he seemed to be in an extremely foul mood, to the point where he accused me of poisoning his food, even though we both knew that I had no part in preparing it.

In the end, he wound up throwing the plate back at me, to which I threw the tea in his face before I stormed out. Thankfully, I ran into Khagra who took one look at the Orc King's face before quickly pulling me down the corridor.

Khagra gently bumped his shoulder against mine, "Sure, what you did can be seen as a punishable offense, but I for one am happy to see you stand up for yourself."


"Of course! Turns me on when you get all feisty."

Balking, I shoved him away, "Why are you such a pervert? You really shouldn't say such things to me..."

"You know you like it!"

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head and said, "Keep telling yourself that."

"I'll wear you down eventually, Izara. Have a great day, beautiful," Khagra then sent me a wink as he smirked.

I hated that my own lips twitched at his words while fighting not to return his smile as he dropped me off at my destination. He was a charmer no doubt, but I quickly shook the thought away.

My first few weeks at the castle were not what I had expected.

After spending some proper time with Khagra, I quickly realised that he was not as offensive as I initially thought him to be.

Sure, he was a massive flirt, but ever since that night in the forest, he had never laid a hand on me again. In fact, I was surprised by how courteous he could be and within a few days, a strong friendship began to blossom between us.

Unlike the Orc King, who did not spare any chance to snub his nose and be rude to me.

Life among the Orcs had taken some getting used to, but I was proud at how quickly I had adjusted. I figured that living here would have been better than in the village, but I did not realise how right I would have been.

There was a calmness that I felt being within the castle and I was quickly beginning to make friends, something I did not really have before.

I mean, do not get me wrong, the Orcs in no way had a perfect society.

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