Quirin rescue Varian and Quirin dies

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Hey guys Violet and Leyna here hope you enjoy and please keep your crying to the end of the chapter. So enjoy.

Quirin POV:

I was walking when Adira said "Looks like the Zebras are on a move sire." I said "That's odd." I heard Fred said "Quirin quick stampede in the gorge Varian down there." I said "Varian Adira go scout ahead." Adira said "Yes sire."

Varian POV:

I was running for my life as the Zebras we're running fast and I was trying to make sure that the Zebras won't stampede me or ever stomp on me. Then I saw a little tree so I ran and climb it holding on to my poor cheetah life.

Quirin POV:

Me and Fred were running to the gorge and I was hoping Varian was already. I see Adira flying at top speed as she went into the gorge to find Varian.

Varian POV:

I was still on the tree hang on holding on with my tiny claws then all of a sudden I see Adira flying about my I said *scared and terrified tone* "Adira help me."Adira flew down sat on the branch and said "Hang on Varian your father coming." Then I said "Adira hurry I don't think I can hold on any longer on this tree branch for my dear cheetah life as I see Adira flying away extremely fast.

Quirin POV:

Me and Fred run down the path to the cliff and I see in the distance to find Varian and I saw Adira fly over us and she said "There on the tree." I said "Hold on son." Then I see the branch was breaking and I saw Varian holding on for his dear life to the tree. I leap down into and through the zebras and push through to get to Varian the branches breaks and Varian starts falling through I catch him and get him to safely on a rock cliff ledge as I got pulled through the herd of Zebras.

Varian POV:

I see my dad being pushed through the herd of Zebra and I said*in a worried tone* "Dad." As I look into the crowd our running Zebras hoping to find him to see if he's okay. And I said "Dad please be okay." Then I see my dad leap out over the herd of Zebras and onto a cliff I smiled happy to know that he is okay. I start climbing up the rocky path that I'm on and I'm telling myself I said "Come on Varian you can do this dad needs me to be there on time."

Quirin POV:

I got to the top of the cliff and I was holding on tight with my paws and claws when I saw my brother look over at me I said "Fred help me up." I was slipping when Fred said "Oh I'll help you brother." Fred dig his claws on my paw and I let out a painful roar as Fred did an evil tiger smile and lean to my ear and said "Long love the king." Fred push me into the gorge full of stamped of Zebras.

Varian POV:

I got to the top of the cliff and then I speeded down the cliff on the path and I look to see my father on the walls of the cliff but what I saw was scary and terrified ma to death I see my father failing from the cliff into the gorge I said "Nooo." I run down to see if my dad was okay and I said "Dad I'm coming." I make my way down the gorge again to find my dad.

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