Varian meets Eugene and Lance

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Hey guys Violet and Leyna here hope you enjoy.

Varian POV:

I wake up from the cold water splashing on my face. I open my eyes and I see I was looking at a hyena and a raccoon I hear the Raccoon said "Are you okay Kid." I said "I guess who." And I heard the hyena tell me and he said "Kid you almost died out there." And the raccoon said "My name is Eugene and I saved your life and Lance help a little." I got up off the ground and I said "Thank for helping me." And then I walk away from them then Eugene said "Where are you going kid." I said "Nowhere." Still feeling upset and sad about my dad's death and I walk away to be alone and I sit down on the ground.

Eugene said "Man he's feeling blue." Lance said "Well his skin is blue mixed with teal." Eugene said "No no I mean he's feeling depressed come on let's go cheer him up." I see Lance and Eugene walk over to me Lance said "Kid what's eating you." Eugene said "Nothing he's at the top of the food chain get it the food chain." Eugene was laughing but I wouldn't smile or laugh at the joke/humour and Eugene stop laughing and said "So kid tell us your name and where your from." I said *upset* "My name Varian and I'm from Corona lands but it doesn't matter if I told you where I'm from because I can't go back." Eugene said "Oh your an outcast great so are we." Lance said "Varian what did you do." I said *While upset* "Something bad I don't want to talk about it."

Lance said "There anything we can do to make you feel better." I said "Not if you can change the past." Lance said "Time like this kid my buddy you got to put you behind the past." Eugene said " Lance let me tell him because your saying it wrong." Eugene walks over to me and said "You got to put your past behind you... look kid bad things happen and there is nothing you can do about it right." I said "Right." Eugene said "Nope wrong...when the world turns its back on you... you turn your back on the world." I said "That's not what I was taught." Eugene said "Then kid you need a new lesson to repeat after me Hakuna Matata." I said "What."

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