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Continue from the previous part..

You guys kept on running until you reached to Yoongi's house. "That was crazy!" Yoongi said as you both struggled to breath but still managed to laugh. "I know right!" You said and entered inside the house. "Good night!" You told him and turned to leave but suddenly he held your hand and pulled you towards him, making you look into his eyes.

While keeping one of his hand on your cheek he smiled and told. "You're really a brave lady, I didn't knew my shy, introvert and calm Y/n might had such a wild side as well." Your face was all flushed while heart was thumping inside the chest, butterflies were dancing mess while he was simply smiling after doing this to your heart and body. You were scared but really sure that he could even clearly hear the beats of your heart which were all mess and high.

You couldn't handle his sweet torchers any more while you couldn't even think of any other way to escape from him at this moment. So all your brain could think about right at the moment was to run away from him and exactly what you did. You ran away from his arms to your room. Your heart was still beating crazily, keeping your hand over your heart you tried to calm yourself down, but nothing was really helping you out.

Looking inside the mirror you found yourself blushing, your face and ears were red out of shyness, you were smiling in the most beautiful way. Things were turning clearer and clearer to you, but you weren't ready to expect the truth. On the hand Yoongi was just standing at his place and smiling with a bright blush over his face. Then pulling out his phone he started typing something, while soon your phone pinged with a message, pulling it out of your pocket you found a message from Yoongi. Smiling you opened his text box and read his message, which says.

"I wanted to talk with you about many things today's evening but because of that particular event I couldn't tell anything to you. So I thought just to leave a message for you. Well, you're already aware of the fact that the day I had rejoined I was working for a big deal on behalf of my dad and I feel really proud to tell you that our company had successfully managed to get the deal. Soon we are going to start working on this project and I along with the whole staff is going to be really busy for quite a few days.

So, before I get too busy with the work I wanted to spend some quality time with you. Like a whole day road trip or something like that. Okay! We can go anywhere you want, like I remember your love for Lotte World since childhood. We can have a picnic there. If you agree with my plan you can just leave a thumbs up and I'll understand ofcourse. *sending lots of smiles and happiness your way*"

Crunching your nose and closing your eyes you blushed hard at his message. You wanted to go near him and hug him tight then murmur a yes in his ears by your own mouth. But all you were feeling was shy to even go near him, so you just sent him a thumbs up. Then keeping your phone near your chest, you smiled.

While Yoongi couldn't sleep because he was already waiting for your answer while lieing on his bed. He was thinking about you and your reactions everytime he use to do something flustering to you with a smile. Hearing the ping sound he quickly grabbed his phone from the bedside and then looking at your thumbs up he smiled brightly.

Time skipped to the next morning:

You both got up early or to be clear none of you ever slept the whole in excitement of spending a whole day with eachother. As best friends there were a lot of moments when you guys use to spend a whole day at Lotte World together, but this was something really new for you two. This newness was somewhere making you two nervous for some reason but happy as well. Getting ready you both reached downstairs to face eachother, somewhere you couldn't met him in his eyes while he was staring at you continuously.

"Sh-shall we go?" You asked nervously, while he smiled and nodded then started walking out of the entrance, while keeping his hands inside his pockets. You went behind him closing the door at his back, sitting inside the car your journey begins of being friends to more than that. You were quite and fidgeting with your thoughts that what and how to talk about anything at this particular moment. While Yoongi was waiting for you to start with a conversation, but getting no output from you he himself decided to speak.

"Well, don't you think Y/n that after so many year accurately today is the day when we are exactly going to spending actual fun tome together, like just two of us you and me." You looked at him who was driving looking straight at the road but there was a slit grin over his lips as well, indicating a smile which was telling the sole reason of his happiness that was your and his togetherness only. You couldn't even stop your lips from forming into a smile. "Indeed!" You said and looked away while Yoongi continued.

"So when we are finally together and going to have a lot of fun, let's-" he suddenly stopped the car at the corner of the road and continued. "-enjoy the fullest forgetting all the new or old worries. Just like we use to do in our teen times, let's become kids again for a day. Let's do all those things what we use to do when we were young at Lotte World, let's just go back to those beautiful times Y/n. I really miss that, can we?"

He said looking into your eyes making you feel thousands of emotions all together. Making you feel waves of sadness, happiness, uneasiness and calmness all together. You just nodded your head in approval and smiled making his face brighter than ever. "Thank you so much!" He said and happily started driving quicker. He couldn't wait to reach there and do all those things once again with you. be continued

WHEN HIS FIANCE RAN AWAY FROM THERE WEDDING ✔ Where stories live. Discover now