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Continue from the previous part..

"Uncle- aunt I wanted to talk to you guys about something." You said to Yoongi's parents with heaviness in your heart and nervousness on your face. While they just smiled at you and his mom said, "Go for it Y/n, say anything you wanna say." You nodded your head then taking a deep breathe you looked into there eyes. "Actually I was planning to go back home once you people are back from your tour or vacation, because I had seen Yoongi is really happy lately and strong enough to take care of his troubles himself. And ofcourse I can't stay here forever, and one day I had to go back so why not now. Also I'll call Yoongi and ask him if he has some time I'll come and meet him for the last time."

Listening to your words there eyes widden while they looked at eachother sternly. "But Y/n Yoongi-" "No dear it's her decision whether she wants to stay or leave. But there's a request for you Y/n, I was planning to throw an announcement plus a celebration party for Yoongi. Can you atleast wait till the party?" Yoongi's dad asked cutting off his wife's words, making you look at them in confusion. "I didn't understood uncle, which kind of party?" Sighing he looked at you then smiled proudly.

"Party in order to gave him what is his and he deserves. The chair of CEO-SHIP!" You sternly looked at him and a wide smile appeared over your lips. "Really uncle?" "Truely! Will you stay Y/n?" "I will, ofcourse I will." Yoongi's parents smiled while you hugged them tight. "Thank you so much uncle, he truely deserves this. He has been working so hard for yours and the company's reputation." "I know! But one thing I need to teach him that no work is more important than his family and his own health. He should never over work himself like he's been doing now. I'll go to the office today and give him few more business tips so that he could start coming home and going back to the office the other morning at regular timings." He said as he patted your head and you nodded your breaking the hug.

Days were passing and Yoongi had already changed his tiring schedule to a more relaxing one. While you both use to see eachother from far but rarely talked, it was like you started avoiding him knowing the fact that you both can't be together. Leading him to become restless as ever. He wanted to talk to you and know the reason of your weird behaviour towards him suddenly, but you never let him come closer to you.

In these things finally the day came when the party was going to take place, as Yoongi had already wrapped up all his important work related to the project and he was freer. He was really nervous about the fact that what the party is really about. While he knew that the party has something to do with him but the he was totally unawaee about the actual motive. While you were nervous about the fact that how are you going to inform him after the party about your flight the next day back.

Still putting up the smiles over your faces under the dripping nervousness, you all reached the party. You didn't made any conversation with him yet, despite being partner tonight in the party. While his restlessness was at peak at this point he wanted to talk to you, hold you tight, hug you and what not. But you didn't even looked at him properly, you went and stand next to Yoongi's mom and smiled at her. They all introduced you as Yoongi's best friend and his dad's business partner and friend's daughter.

Party was going with the flow but you weren't smiling much, same was with him. He was just looking at you from far while sipping on his drink searching for an accurate moment to talk with you. But whenever he was getting a moment alone or he found you almost alone he tried to catch up with you but failed every freaking time. He was literally cursing at every person who was doing this to him.

"How do I just go and talk to you Y/n? How do I find out that what's bothering you, that you literally ignoring my presence and forgot about the pretty smile of your face. This is making me more and more restless." He said in his head feeling the pain. While finally he got a moment alone for you and himself as you again stood alone. Yoongi smiled and walked towards you while you found him coming closer to you, you turned and look otherside and closed your eyes. You knew really well that you couldn't escape anymore from him. "Y/n!" He said while you tightened your already closed eyes, while you felt chills down your spine because of his deep voice.

"Y/n look at me." He pleaded and kept his hand on your shoulder, while you were already week for him; so just turned but never looked into his eyes. "Are you by any chance ignoring me." He said with tearful eyes while a tear fell off your eyes as well, you decided to walk out not forming any answer to justify yourself. So you turned and tried to walk out but he held your hand as he was quite evident in confronting you. But before he could say any further his dad spoke up on the mic.

"So ladies and gentlemen please gather here. Finally it's the time for the big announcement." He said with a big smile, while you pulled your hand out of Yoongi's grip. "Uncle's been calling there, let's go!" You walked past him wiping off your tears, while he also walked behind you after controlling his uncontrollable emotions. Reaching there Yoongi's dad gestured him to come on stage under the spotlight. He does as his dad said plastering a fake smile over his lips. "So, as you all know about my charming, hardworking and the smart son Min Yoongi. While I had seen him working so hard over the current project which literally doing greatest in the industry. So as a reward I want him to take care of the CEO-SHIP and I sign my retirement here today." Yoongi looked at his father with shock, he couldn't believe that it could happen at such an early stage of his career but he was happy and proud of himself.

He hugged his dad tight. "Thank you so much dad!" "You deserved it Yoongi, congratulations dear." Smiling at him he came down and hugged his mom. "Congratulations love." "Thank you! mom." Breaking the hug he found you standing next to her, you smiled lightly and told him. "I'm so proud of you." "Thanks!" He said and turned to walk back with a heavy heart, but his dad was quicker to speak. "Where are you going Yoongi it's the time for celebration. You have your partner go on and show us your moves."

You both were looking at eachother with pain in eyes, but Yoongi didn't want to disappoint everybody. So he held his mom's hand and taking her above the stage he started moving slowly with her. While Mr. Min pretended to be a bit offended. "You little- stole my partner, then just wait and watch. How do I just stole your partner." He came down and then holding your hand he took you on the stage while you guys moved slowly at the rhythm. You were smiling with him while Yoongi was smiling with his mom but the whole while you two were stealing glances at eachother.

While Mrs and Mr Min were masters they were already aware about the increasing tention between you two, and they knew really well how to bring there kids on line. So slowly dancing and moving towards eachother they swapped partners in speed of light that you two didn't even realized when you both were in eachother's arms. Looking at him you tried to walk away but Yoongi had real much, also he started to loose his temper so sliding his arms under your waist he held you tight. be continued

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