Chapter 16 - Hanging at the Waterfall

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I rise from the flat rock we're using as our picnic spot and stretch, turning towards the inviting water. The sun has slurped almost all the water from my clothes now, and I'm starting to feel hot again.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Ethan asks, looking up at me.

"I'm done, thanks." I ate half a chicken, mayo, cheese and gherkin sandwich, a plum and drank some lemonade. That's enough for me. I had breakfast this morning, which is highly unusual for me on Saturdays, and tonight I'll be cooking for me and my dad.

He did say he was going to be a little late, but on Saturdays, that could mean anything since he only works mornings then. If he's too late for dinner, I'll just save it for him. So, no point in gorging myself on sandwiches. Besides, the boys seem to enjoy it, and they're going through them at quite a speed.

Tonia is just nibbling on an apple. She refused the pretzels, chips and beer crowded into the cooler bag James was carrying earlier.

I pull off my outer clothes and glance around, startled when Jet makes a weird sound.

"You're wearing the school swimsuit? Really? Why?"

"It's comfy," I lie. It's not; it's a really thick, unyielding black contraption designed to destroy breasts and discourage proper breathing. I think the design was stolen from the first medieval corset. I hate it, but it covers everything, and for some reason, today, I feel the need for as much camouflage as I can get away with without seeming strange... too strange.

Normally, I swim in my cute, sporty, very civilized two-piece swimsuit, but today I just would not feel comfortable exposing even that much of myself. Especially not with my head in this weird state and Delia not here for moral support. I've never had Tonia's confidence to wear a skimpy swimsuit revealing well-proportioned curves. I really miss Dell right now. When she's around, people don't really notice me.

I'm stating a perk, not launching a complaint.

Delia is vibrant and lovely. She doesn't have Tonia's sultry kind of beauty, but she has a certain something that has, over the years, caused all Ethan's friends to develop crushes on her. She never gives them the time of day in that regard. And now she has Simon.

"Seriously disappointing, Kira," Jet grunts, and he really does look disappointed.

"Stop looking at my girlfriend," Ethan growls, and I know he's joking, but apparently Jet doesn't because he mutters a quick sorry and turns his attention back to the contents of the cooler bags. James is enjoying the joke, though, chuckling softly, giving Ethan amused looks, and I cannot stop myself from giggling too.

Ethan is now giving James, Jet and me each a turn to be glared at, which is making me laugh even more. He is soon distracted by the sandwich he took from the container, though and grins happily while he eats it. The guy is so easy to please. I think I'm acing this whole girlfriend thing. Maybe I could've saved my previous relationships if I had some good sandwiches at hand.

No, thanks, don't want either of them.

Lurch has apparently decided that Tonia isn't eating enough and is now mouth-feeding her... At least, that's what I think he's doing. Barn is having an eating competition all by himself, shovelling sandwiches, beer and chips into his mouth with a forklift. Well, no, he's using his hands, but like the rest of him, they're really big.

I vaguely remember why he got his nickname. Around 10th grade, the guy started to grow in every dimension. He is now as broad as he is tall. I'm not sure if it's all muscle or whether there's some fat involved too. It's hard to tell, but he is an athlete and very fit, so it's probably mostly muscle.

Looking at him sitting in the sun, sweat running down his face in rivers, I find myself wondering if dark colours attracting heat is applicable to the skin as well. Barn has skin the colour of warm mahogany with a myriad of other tones blending nicely into it, and he certainly always seems to be feeling the heat more than the rest of us. There could be many other contributing factors; it would be interesting to conduct an experiment one day.

He did once tell me that he'll always be game to do biological experiments with me, but I don't think he had temperature effects on various skin tones in mind at the time. Barn likes to act all flirty and self-assured, but he runs for the hills if a girl just looks at him too long. It is quite amusing. Right now, he is feeling the sandwiches more than he is feeling the heat, and the water is right there, ready, willing and able to do some cooling when we need it.

I need it right now; this rock is starting to burn my feet a little, and I was sitting mostly in the shade. Since the others are all happily eating the snacks... or each other in Lurch and Tonia's case, I take the opportunity to wade into the pool, enjoying the smooth rocks and mud under my feet.

This is heaven.

The pool gradually deepens towards the centre, and eventually, walking is no longer an option, and I'm forced to swim. I love being in this pool, surrounded by crystal-clear water. The area I've reached now is about the depth where most people have to stand on their toes to keep their heads above water, which means that it's just deep enough for me to have to start treading water or disappear under it.

Behind me, the others are enjoying the snacks, the sun and each other's company, laughing, teasing, and joking around. They are all incredibly comfortable with each other; I don't know why I never feel comfortable around them. The fact that they're boys might have something to do with it... and I don't know Tonia well. I'd have to hang out with the three stooges if I want to get to know her, and I prefer Jet, Lurch and Barn in small portions. Especially Jet.

A few metres to my left, a high boulder sticks out of the sparkly water like a stone throne. I often sit up there; it has the best view of the expanse of water and everything that is going on in it. I guess I'm always more of an observer than a participator. I enjoy watching animals in their natural habitat... even the human kind. The rock is not exactly at the centre of the pool, but it is close enough. To my right, the pool flows off into the brook, and in front of me, about eight metres away, the waterfall crashes noisily into the pool in a foamy white veil.

It is serenely beautiful.

It is not a very high waterfall nor a spectacular one, but it certainly has its charm. There are two smaller falls higher up the hill, but this is the only one with a large pool perfect for swimming.

I'm slowly doing breaststroke towards the tall rock, keeping my eyes on the water below me for anything interesting; when the light of the sun penetrates an area near me, teasing mesmerizing glimmers and sparks from the shells and stones on the bottom. Excited, I veer off course to investigate because I believe I'm seeing the shape of a rather large Anentome shell. It's a type of mud snail, and I rarely see any intact empty shells. The sun is hitting this one just right to make it seem quite pretty.

I dive down to confirm, and yes, it is one, and it is rather lovely. If I can take it home and polish it, it will be perfect for the collection. I quickly run out of air and start to feel a little claustrophobic. I don't like diving, it makes me anxious, but I still try to stick it out for a bit longer, trying to reach the bottom, but then I have no choice anymore and have to return to the surface.

When my head breaks out of the water, I take huge gulps of fresh air until my lungs are no longer screaming at me for release, and my heart stops pounding; then, I dive again.

And again.

And again.

I cannot get close enough, and that is how I realise that I've drifted into the deepest part of the pool. I don't like being here, but I really want that shell. I'll try once more; then, I'll head to the tall rock for a break and try again.

I kick and kick, but I just cannot make it to the bottom without running out of air and coming to the verge of freaking out. It's the blooming anxiety! I keep on telling myself that it's not that deep and that I am in control, but it doesn't help. I have to return for air. Maybe I should ask one of the others to get it for me, but I'm sick of being defeated by this anxiety when I'm swimming. It's become a lot better, but still...

I'm once again about to return to the surface when I feel something solid bump against me.


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