Chapter 32 - Are We Really Fighting?

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"Hey, talk to me, Kicks. What's up?" Ethan says, cornering me against the section of counter between our refrigerator and the crockery cabinets.

Simon dropped us off after cockily asking if we wanted a ride or preferred to stalk them home. I am so glad that Dell finally found a boy that knows how to handle her intimidating brother. All her previous attempts at dating died premature deaths because Ethan believes that it is his duty as her brother to test any boy who even looks at her twice.

He'd glare at them, throw around mild threats, challenge them, whatever took his fancy at any given time. They almost always ran away without putting up much of a fight, and the situation just got worse the bigger Ethan became. I was starting to think that Dell was going to be forced to remain single for the rest of her life.

Until Simon came.

Simon patiently took all Ethan's antics and posturing in his stride, not willing to give up, and the guy really went all out to scare Sy away. If there's one thing nobody can deny, it is that Ethan is extremely protective of his sister, even to the extent that she'd on occasion threatened him with grievous bodily harm if he didn't give her some space. She's not breakable, and she is rather level-headed; there is really no need for him to want to guard her so fiercely.

The fact is that it runs both ways. Delia is often the cause of the ending of Ethan's less-than-savoury relationships. She has no qualms about telling girls she doesn't like to take a hike, and they usually do. Heck, I would run if Dell ever decided to level those blue eyes on me in anger. I am very fortunate that she loves me. I'm the only girl she doesn't glare into the ground for hanging out with her brother.

Fortunately, I am sibling free and can date and hang out with whomever I want; nobody interferes.

Wait... I only hang out with Dell... and Ethy... Apparently, he beat Cole up with a skateboard, and I do remember Liam suddenly saying goodbye and running home whenever Ethan or Delia made an appearance. Coincidence?

There was that boy in ninth grade that I rather liked. Timmy. He was new in town and flirted with me a bit, and then suddenly, one day, he wanted nothing to do with me, and then he started to date someone else. He acted as though I had rabies, and he was terrified of me each time I came near him.

I was heartbroken, and Dell just stroked my hair and tutted and told me the boy was not worthy of me, and Ethan... he grinned and shrugged and said something about weaklings. Surely, he didn't do anything to scare him off? Why would he? He's not my brother, and Timmy wasn't threatening in the least. I barely got to know the guy!

And he wasn't even the only boy I had that kind of experience with...

One day, about a week after they met each other, Simon stood up to Ethan. It was impressive.

"Look, Bro," he'd said, getting to his feet when Ethan joined us in the Fletchers' living room and proceeded to glare at the boy just peacefully having a conversation with his sister while we were getting ready to watch a movie on TV. "I get that Delia is your sister and that you treasure her, and I admire you for that and am glad that she has someone like you to look out for her. If you don't mind, I'd prefer it if you'd break my bones only if I hurt her in some way.

"But if you feel the need to beat me up regardless, just get on with it then. You and I both know that I'm no match for you. Just know that you're going to have to do it often if hanging out with your sister is the only reason you need to lay into me. I'd actually like to get along with you, maybe even become friends if that is possible, because I'm going to ask your sister to be my girlfriend and if she says yes, I'm not going anywhere, doesn't matter what you do."

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