Chapter 52 - Not Quite The End

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I am drowning in limbs, female limbs, to be precise, and I know that somewhere beneath this tangle of arms and legs and groping hands, Ethan is being devoured, and I need to dive down as far as possible to save him.

A big spider lands on my face with long hairy legs tickling my skin, and I freeze at this new, unexpected horror, wondering if it is going to eat the women dragging Ethan into the abyss or if it is going to eat me... and then it licks the tip of my nose.

My eyes fly open with a start to find two green ones gazing down at me, and here comes the sandpaper tongue again to clean my face. "Meow," the spider says and pats my nose with its tiny white paw.

"Scamp," I sigh, relief making me feel a little lightheaded. "Where did you come from?"

"He came with me," the sound of the familiar voice shivers pleasantly down my spine, and I jolt upright, surprised to see Ethan leaning against the frame of my open bedroom door, his arms folded, his feet crossed, and his biceps bulging in the rolled-up sleeves of his shirt. "Are you going to sleep all day, or are we going to the service in Scarlet Park?"

"I need coffee," I croak, collapsing into my pillows and covering my face with my hands. It is too early in the morning to be confronted by the smiling splendour of the god of beauty, dimples and all.

It doesn't take me long to shower and pull on some shorts and a tan-coloured Pokémon t-shirt featuring an Eevee surrounded by hearts, blowing kisses, and Ethan has coffee and bran rusks ready for me when I join him and Daddy in the kitchen.

I only half-listen to Ethan telling my father about the games he'd played with his friends after I came home. It can all be summed up succinctly in one word. Bedlam. I'm happy to hear that he had fun, but gazing at him eating all the leftovers from our refrigerator while chatting animatedly with my father, the thought of Ethan picking only one girl out of all his adoring fans keeps on milling around in my head.

Could that girl really be me? Could I truly tick all the boxes for someone like him? I have my doubts. Ethan is a force of nature, a young man with many facets, and I love them all. Could I ever be enough?

Delia eventually breezes into the kitchen to let us know that the food is packed in the car and her parents are ready to go, and soon, we're settling down on soft blankets in Scarlet Park with our families, ready to listen to the message Pastor Ed is going to bring us today.

There are various religious groups, and denominations scattered all over Scarlet Park, some combining to form larger groups, and the atmosphere is filled with a rare sense of unity and harmony. Glancing around me, I can see a general expression of relaxation on all the faces, and I'm starting to think that I am the only person here today who is not relaxed at all.

I've been plagued by restless thoughts when awake and nightmares when asleep all night last night, and now, sitting next to Ethan, his strong shoulder cradling mine, supporting me from falling over, I am a bundle of raw nerves. Pastor Ed's message is a good one, as usual, all about finding your unique gifts, fulfilling your purpose in life and, through grace, being the best version of yourself that you can be.

I don't hear all of it, though; I am simply too distracted. I wonder if Ethan is distracted too. He hasn't asked a single question or made even one remark, and I've noticed our pastor giving him a concerned look more than once. He is not used to Ethan being this well-behaved and docile.

Neither am I.

When the last 'amen' fades into the chirping of the birds playing amongst the branches of the surrounding trees, I excuse myself and hurry to the restroom facilities to splash some cold water on my face and wash my hands for lunch. I cannot let Ethan give up on one of his favourite activities to spend time with a living corpse instead. If he is not going camping, I should at least make it worth the sacrifice.

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