Chapter 10- Rude Awakenings

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Wills P.OV

I heard the other guys approach the living room. I didn't want to be a part of what was about to happen. Instead I decided to make myself useful and go scavenging for a little while. It was going to have to be a short trip because the sun was going to set in about half an hour.

"I'm gonna go do some stuff!" I shouted as I walked out of the back door. I didn't get a reply.

I walked over to the front of the house and towards the street that our neighborhood branches off of.

"Towards the city or not?" I debated in my head. Sometimes I seriously considered the possibility of insanity as one of my mental conditions.

"Away." I decided. I walked down the road. The first mile was pretty much greenery accompanied by the occasional house. Houses began to appear more frequently afterwards. Just a couple minutes after my first mile I came across a house that I could tell had things in it!

"Yes!" I muttered to myself. I turned into their driveway and tried the door. It opened easily and I was astounded at what I found. The place looked like a pig sty. There well piles of trash on the floor and a broken window in the living room. I quickly retraced my steps and decided to hunt elsewhere. I considered just going back to the house but decided against it. I still had a lot of time left. As I walked a home on the left looked amazing. I was going to have to drag Damon down here one day so he could draw it. The sun was shining right through a broken window, it almost seemed like an omen.

As I walked up a small hill I wondered if Katrina lived around here. Her house would have to be furnished but the only house with possessions I had encountered was the pig sty, and Katrina looked to good for it. I neared the crest of the hill, and stopped to admire the view. The scenery was phenomenal, and a steep down hill drop was in front. I almost thought I could see something lying on it.

I walked faster now, maybe the thing on the slope was useful! As I neared it I realized the thing was not a thing, as a matter of fact, it was a person. I sped up to a jog and ran down hill.

Oh my fucking god. It was Katrina. Her head and other parts of her body were scratched up, and she was lying in a pool of blood. I could still see the subtle rise and fall of her chest, but this was really dangerous. It was possible that she would die any second. I struggled to pick her up and finally managed to hold her bridal style. Her body jerked for a second and her eyes opened.

"Thank you." She whispered, and slumped in my arms again. I sprinted towards my house, this sense of urgency making me strong. My heart twisted every time I looked at her face growing paler and paler, and I was pretty sure my arm against her head was the only thing stopping the bleeding.

**************A/N *************

Sorry for the short chapter, but I had to get it out there! Is Kat gonna make it through? I will not update again till this gets at least 3 votes. Thanks for understanding, and I love you all! Comment, vote, and fan!


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