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"Thank God, I thought I was the only one who dropped it," I sighed. "We never really showed much interest," Hermione pointed out. "We only made an effort for Hagrid."

We had to wait for McGonagall. "Everything looks fine to me, Jones, I was very pleased with your Transfiguration work. You can continue with Ancient Runes, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and Transfiguration but why isn't Potions here?"

"I thought I needed an Outstanding," I told her. "Professor Slughorn will take students with Exceeds Expectations," McGonagall told me. "He'll be happy to let you borrow a book and some equipment until you can get your own. Also, a lot of people are hoping to tryout for Quidditch, I have a list of names so you can organise trials yourself."

McGonagall handed me my timetable. "I've got Ancient Runes now, see you both later," I gave Harry a quick kiss before rushing off.

Runes was a nightmare, we were already given so much to do. "I hate her," I grumbled, pushing my books into my bag. "Who gives out that much on the first day?!"

We all sat down in class. I sat next to Ron and Hermione sat next to Harry. "You've had five teachers so far in this subject, they would all have had their own methods and priorities. I'm surprised so many of you managed to scrape an OWL in this subject. I shall be more surprised if you manage to keep up with the NEWT work, which is far more advanced..."

He droned on and on which I kind of zoned out at. I already knew half of this. "You are, I believe, novices in the use of non verbal spells, what is the advantage of non-verbal spells?"

Hermione's hand shot up and surprise surprise, no one else's did. "Very well, Miss Granger?"

"Your advisory has no warning about what kind of magic you're about to perform, giving you a split-second advantage," Hermione told him.

He then split us into pairs and Hermione and I paired up. I shot a Jelly Legs hex at her silently and she repelled it. Ron was struggling to hex Harry so Snape did it for him.

"PROTEGO!" Harry freaked out as the jink was coming right for him. His Shield Charm nearly made Snape fall over. Snape stood up, scowling at Harry. "Do you remember me telling you that we are practicing non verbal spells, Potter?"


"Yes, sir," Snape corrected him.

"There's no need to call me sir, Professor," Harry said to him. I burst out laughing, doubling over and holding my stomach. "Detention, my office, Saturday night Potter, you too, Jones."

"Worth it," I chuckled.


Sloper, the beater I picked last year, came up to us with a note from Dumbledore. "When you holding tryouts, Joy?"

"Don't know yet," I told him. "I'll get back to you."

Harry showed me the note.

Dear Harry and Joy

I'd like to start our private lessons this Saturday. Come along to my office at 8pm. I hope you're both enjoying the first day back.

PS I enjoy Acid Pops

"Looks like no detention for us," I grinned. "I still don't get why you got detention," Ron frowned. "Because I laughed at him," I told him.

We had gone into Potions together and we picked the table near the back where the smell there was powerful but amazing. I could smell Butterbeer, some sort of wood smell, like broomstick wood and I could also smell Harry's shampoo.


"Right now, scales out everyone and potion kits, don't forget your books," Slughorn instructed us. I raised my hand. "Yes?"

"Harry, Ron and I don't have any books or equipment, we weren't sure if we had the right grades for the class," I explained to him. "Ah yes, Professor McGonagall mentioned that," Slughorn nodded. "Well, we have the ingredients in the cupboards, scales are over there and there's some old books here."

He handed me a battered copy of Advance Potion-Making. "Can anybody tell me what this potion is?"

Hermione raised her hand. "Veritaserum, it forces the drinker to tell the truth."

"Splendid," Slughorn praised her. "And this one?"

"Polyjuice Potion!"

"Excellent! And how about this one?"

"Amortentia," Hermione told him. "It's the most powerful love potion in the world, it's supposed to smell differently to each of us, to what attracts us. I can smell freshly mown grass, fresh parchment and..." she let out a little squeak of embarrassment.

"What's your name?" Slughorn asked her.

"Hermione Granger, sir," she told him. "Are you related to Hector Dagworth-Granger?" Slughorn asked her. "No, I'm Muggle-Born," she told him. "Oh, this is the friend you were referring to Harry, the best in the year," Slughorn beamed.

"Yep, that's her," Harry grinned. "Take twenty points for Gryffindor, Miss Granger," Slughorn told her. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a small black cauldron on Slughorn's desk. I raised my hand. "Sir, what's in that one?"

"Well spotted, Miss...?"

"Jones," I told him. "Jones, your mother, bright girl she was," Slughorn smiled. "She and Black were thick as thieves. This is called Felix Felicis, do you know what that is?"

"Yes, it's liquid luck, sir," I told him. "Splendid, ten points to Gryffindor," he said. "It's desperately tricky to make and disastrous should you get it wrong. If brewed correctly, all your endeavours tend to succeed, until the effects wear off. If taken in excess, it can cause giddiness, recklessness, dangerous overconfidence and I will be offering it as a prize in this lesson."

Everyone looked interested at that.

"One bottle of Felix Felicis, enough to last twelve hours, it must not be used for sporting events, elections or examinations, only an ordinary day," he told us. "Turn to page ten in your books, whoever makes the best Draught of Living Death wins. Off you go!"


Everyone raced to get the ingredients for their potions. Everyone wanted to be lucky and who could blame them? We're in the middle of a war.

My potion was at the blackcurrant stage already but cutting up the Sopophorous Bean wasn't easy. It was annoying. It kept shooting up into the air. "Son of a..." I grumbled, nearly chopping off my hand. "Crush it," Harry whispered to me. "But the book says cut," I frowned, looking at my book.

"Trust me, it works," he told me. I took his word for it and crushed the bean. I added it to my potion and it turned the right colour. "Thanks."

I stirred my potion but the lilac turned into some sort of grey. "Oh crap," I sighed. "How are you doing that?!" Hermione interrogated Harry. "Stir clockwise," he said. "It specifically says to stir counter-clockwise!" she snapped.

Slughorn checked on the Potions and deemed Harry the winner. "How'd you do that?" Ron asked him. "I just got lucky," Harry chuckled. "Very cute, Potter," I rolled my eyes.

Hermione was in a crappy mood. "They weren't the instructions!"

"Give over," Harry rolled his eyes. Hermione snatched his book from him. "Specialis Revelio!"

Nothing happened and Harry groaned. "There you checked it, can I have it back?"

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