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"Wow," I finally said after Harry finished telling me what happened. "Sounded like Snape deserved it."

"But my dad picked on him for no reason," Harry argued. "He was being a racist a long time before that," I pointed out. "My mum was nice to him at first but once he started calling her...well that...she got less nice very fast."

"But what about my dad and Sirius?" Harry asked me. "I don't know Harry, maybe try asking Sirius," I suggested. "Like there's a lot I don't know about my mother but I know she wouldn't hex someone if they didn't deserve it."

Harry nodded, agreeing with me. "How will we ask Sirius and your dad what really happened that day?"

I shrugged. With Umbitch having her eyes open on the whole school, it wasn't going to be easy.


One thing I was particularly dreading this week was the Career's Talk. Mainly because I can't get a job, being a werewolf and all.

I wanted to be an Auror and fight like my mum but I highly doubt I will be able to get it.

Unfortunately my time was first thing in the morning so I had to hike down to McGonagall's office. I passed by a mirror to notice a tiny bit of faint scarring on my neck. The full moons were getting harder as I got older.

They sure as hell weren't getting easier. I knocked on McGonagall's dorm and I heard her call enter.

I walked inside to find myself face to face with McGonagall and my worst pink nightmare. Umbitch.

"Have a seat Miss Jones," McGonagall muttered.

I sat down, staring down at my boots. "The reason why you're here is to discuss the subjects you will be taking for your NEWT years, any thoughts on what you'd want to do after you leave Hogwarts?"

"Probably become an Auror like my mother," I told McGonagall, which earned a scoff from Umbridge.

I shot her a quick glare and turned back to McGonagall. "Well your grades are definitely those fit for an Auror," McGonagall told me. "In your NEWT year, you'd need to take Defence Against the Dark Arts, obviously, as well as Potions, Charms, Transfigur...."

"Minerva, why are you wasting your time, you know that the girl can't get a job anyway, since she...."

"I am perfectly aware of the girl's condition Dolores, doesn't mean she isn't capable of having a career, she is more than capable," McGonagall snapped at her.

"The girl's condition...."

"Isn't a problem! She's learned to contain it!"

"Her life is going nowhere!"

"Well nowhere must be full of geniuses then Professor!" I snapped, sick of being belittled all the time. "Don't you ever speak to me like that you filthy little ha....."

"There it is again, honestly! I mean what the hell do you have against me?! I was eighteen months old when you shipped me off! I was a baby! I did nothing wrong! You took me away from my dad! Kept him away from me for years! You didn't even know I was a werewolf until after you came to Hogwarts!" I shouted at her.

"Oh, I knew long before that," Umbridge seethed. "You see, I put you in that home to see exactly how much of a temper you have during a full moon and you certainly have one, Jones. Winslow is a dear friend of mine, that house was full of all of this world's shames. Muggle-borns, squibs, half-breeds and werewolves. No one would've wanted you, Jones. Be grateful I put a roof over your head."

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