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"You think there's worse than Voldemort?" I asked Beth as I let a Golden Snitch flutter around in my room.

"I think some of the Death Eaters can be more terrifying. Like Bellatrix Lestrange, for instance, a total psychopath," Beth told me. "She hurt a lot of people in the war, she killed Joanna Hale, she tortured Frank and Alice Longbottom into insanity. Death would've been kinder."

I gaped and I put my hand over my mouth. Neville, oh Merlin!

"Do you remember her at all?" Beth asked me. "Alivia?"

"Barely," I said honestly. "I remember her smile and her singing me a lullaby. Her voice kind of reminded me of a siren call. I'd hear her voice as nothing but a mere echo."

"How did the lullaby go?" she asked me. I drummed my fingers on my knee as I tried to remember the words. "Stars shining bright above you," I started muttering the words.

"I know that song, it's Muggle music," Beth said. "Remus said ages ago, it was the only song that would get you to sleep."

I tried to think back to when I was a baby.

"Night breezes seem to whisper I love you," I automatically began singing. "Birds singing in the sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me."

In the corner of my eye, I noticed a faint red glow coming from my locket. But it died out very quickly.

"Ah, you remember!" Beth piped up happily. "Such a good song."

"Did you see that?" I asked Beth. "See what?" she asked me. "The glow," I told him. Before she had a chance to respond, Moody came in.

"Jones," Moody barked. "Briefing."

I nodded and I walked into the dining room with Beth where I saw Tonks, Sirius, Kingsley, Tia and Dad.

"Right, so, what deadly danger awaits this time?" I asked Moody, sipping the water on the table.

"It's inside an active volcano that's bound to blow any time," Moody told me. I spat my drink out over the whole table. "I'm sorry, I'm hard of hearing, did you just say ACTIVE VOLCANO?! THAT'S SUICIDE!" I freaked out.

"Death is a likely outcome," Moody said. He didn't like coddling people so he was blunt. "It's in Iceland."

"Iceland, the most ironic name for a country," I murmured. "You're preaching to the choir," Sirius mumbled, nodding his head continuously.

"So, who wants to join me?" I looked at the adults in front of me. "Ooh, me! Pick me!" Tonks was bouncing in her chair with her hand up. "You're all insane," Dad shook his head. "I'm going with my daughter on her suicide mission, end of story."

"The entry point to the vault is here," Moody pointed to a map. "About four miles from the volcano itself. I don't know when it's going to blow but it's due to any day."

"Would you not assign the poxy mission while the fucking thing was DORMANT?!" Dad snapped at Moody, releasing the swearwolf.

"Because the inside of it shifts, you numpty!" Moody growled. "The only way to get in is if the bloody thing is about to blow!"

"Best Christmas ever," I sighed. "And you can't use a Portkey or apparate so by going on this mission, we have to be in and out and can't apparate until we're miles away."

I put my head in my hands and I started slowly shaking. "I'm scared," I admitted. "You'd be a fool if you weren't," Sirius murmured. "You leave in twenty minutes, you'd better tell the others, say goodbye."

"Uh..um...right," I gulped and I stood up and I went to my room to gather what I need, my wand mainly.

I heard a knock on my door and it creaked open and Harry poked his head around the corner. "You're going?"

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