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Christmas had come once again. I was looking forward to seeing my family. I missed them terribly. The last few weeks have been...weird, I'll say that much. 

Hermione and Ron, obviously not speaking to each other. Magical mistletoe was placed everywhere, forcing Harry to plot out a course to class without hitting one. 

Harry and I don't like kissing in public. Only because we're worried we'll get too carried away but now our quartet was divided once again, which I hated. Harry and I barely saw each other during the day. 

He was with Ron, I was with Hermione. Caught in the middle of their feud. 

"What did he say?!" Hermione seethed once I repeated what Ron said. "That you have no say because you snogged Krum," I told her. "That it's a free country." 

"That little cockroach!" Hermione just grew angrier. Harry was going for the not getting involved approach to their feud. 

The one I should have taken. "So, who are you taking to the party?" I asked Hermione. "No idea," she sighed. "I feel bad for Harry, having to sit next to all that snogging," I snorted. 

Hermione rolled her eyes but she smiled a little. "You'd best keep an eye on him." 

"Is this about that infernal book again?" I sighed, writing my essay. "No," she shook her head. "But I heard Romilda Vane plotting to slip Harry a love potion." 


I was met with a bunch of shushes in the library. I rolled my eyes and went back to my essay. "That bitch. I have good mind to roll this parchment and shove it right up her...." 

"Joy!" Hermione shushed me. She looked around and continued on. "They have Fred and George's ones, if I saw them with them, I would've confiscated them. Best stay with him at the party tomorrow night." 

"I will," I nodded. "I'll give Harry the heads up." 

"Any more about Cordelia?" Hermione asked me. "I see you reading her diary every night." 

"Well," I set my quill down. "I found an interesting story. She saved a phoenix from a poacher and kept him safe. Gifted that phoenix to a student in Hogwarts a few years before she died." 

"You think Cordelia saved Fawkes?" Hermione asked me. "I plan to ask Dumbledore next time I see him," I told her. 

Hermione and I went back to the common room that night and I saw Romilda Vane offer Harry Gillywater. "DON'T!" I shouted, startling her. She glared at me and thrust a box of chocolates into Harry's arms. "My gran sent me these, but I don't like them." 

"Thanks," Harry muttered coming over to me. "Do not eat those," I warned him. "She's trying to dose you with love potion." 


Transfiguration the next day was a disaster. We had to practice changing the colours of our own eyebrows. Hermione cackled at Ron's moustache which he accidentally conjured. Ron proceeded to cruelly mock her in class. 

Lavender and Parvati laughed at her, reducing her to tears. Harry picked up her discarded books and went after her. "Nice going," I shook my head at Ron. "She started it!" Ron shouted. 

"I'm ending it!" I retorted.

After Transfiguration, I went to Professor Dumbledore's office. "Acid Pops," I spoke and the gargoyle jumped aside. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Professor Dumbledore?" 

The door opened and he was pacing. "Ah, Joy, this is an unexpected surprise, come in." 

I walked into his office and spotted Fawkes out of the corner of my eye. "Cordelia said in her diary that she rescued him," I mentioned as I lovingly stroked him. "Yes, she did," Dumbledore sighed. "I remember meeting her while I was at Hogwarts. A bright young woman. She died too young. I stumbled across her creation on pure accident. Fawkes took a liking to me and Cordelia taught me all about magical creatures. Once she died, she left Fawkes in my care." 

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