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Tatiana POV

"Have you got everything?" I asked Joy. "Wand?"


"Healing supplies?"


"Emergency chocolate?"

"Of course."

Joy put her bag over her shoulder. "I should be back soon," she told me. "Fourth time lucky?"

"Hopefully, be careful, try not to get hurt and if you see any Death Eaters, use that spell I taught you."

"The wedgie?" Joy wondered, raising her eyebrow. "Your mother did it to Snape when she was in school," I smirked. Joy laughed and she gave me a big hug. "Ready Joy?" Beth asked her. "Yeah, coming now," she said. "Look after her, I know, you're not a kid anymore but you're my kid and I'll still do it even when you're an old lady," I said to Joy.

She playfully rolled her eyes and took hold of Beth's arm and she vanished.


"Coast is clear," Beth told me. "Why in a library? This is dumb," I sighed. "It's abandoned, no one comes in here," Beth told me. "The library was built in 1892, by a woman named Cordelia James."

"Well, I don't see any insignia on the walls," I murmured. "No sign of it anywhere, are you sure this is the right place?"

"Positive," Beth said. "Any wizards or witches who came in here tried to read the books but they said the text disappeared on them but they always saw a name mentioned. Arylwren."

"Who's that?" I wondered. "Merlin's daughter," Beth told me. "The most powerful witch of all time. Legend has it that her blood was cursed, that no magic would pass through her descendants. On the rare occasion that it did, they were cursed to die young."

"Rough," I noted. "Rumour has it that Cordelia, the woman who built the library was one of her descendants," Beth told me. "It's been abandoned for decades."

I took a book off the shelf and dust erupted it from it the second I opened it, it had send me into a coughing fit. "Yeah, I can tell," I wheezed, hacking my lungs out.

"Let's split up, see if we can find anything," Beth suggested. She went to one side of the library while I went to the other.

All the books were either covered with dust or cobwebs. There were spiders on one or two of them, which was a little gross.

My eyes drifted over all the books on the shelves and I spotted a book with the same markings as the crypt in Denmark. "Bingo," I smirked. I tried to pull the book out but the second I tugged on it, the whole bookshelf spun around and I was engulfed in total darkness.

"Joy! Joy! Are you okay?" I heard Beth from the other side. "There's just a wall here, there's no way to turn the book shelf back around," she said. "What do you see?"

"I see nothing, just black," I told him. "Well, at least we found the vault. I wonder what booby trap will be here."

I took out my wand. "Lumos."

The light came out of my wand, igniting a dark catacomb. Suddenly the light on my wand kept growing brighter and brighter. My eyes started burning as the light was growing stronger and stronger.


The light went out and my eyes stopped hurting. "What happened?!" I heard Beth panicking from the other side.

"If I use Lumos, my own wand is going to burn my eyes out," I told her. "I am not going to risk that. I have no choice, I have to walk through blind."

"Can you not use a Patronus Charm?" Beth suggested. "I'll try," I sighed. "Expecto Patronum!"

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