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Those horrible detentions finally ended. Harry and I comforted each other every night. Each night, my feelings for him grew stronger and stronger and each moment I spent in his arms made me very tempted to kiss him.

Harry did end up agreeing to teaching us about the Dark Arts, only if I did it by his side since I had Auror training.

Sirius was kind of distant after the bickering last month, he didn't get in touch a lot.

Dumbledore granted me permission to return to Grimmauld on full moons and I'd stay over there the next day for my hangover. Sirius stayed out of my way so I was only with Tia, who saw my hand and went berserk, setting Mrs Black off too.

Hermione had spread the word to the students, so now the four of us were in Hogsmeade, heading to meet them. "So, are they in the Three Broomsticks? The people you've told?" Harry asked Hermione. "No, I told them to meet us in the Hog's Head," Hermione told us.

"Ah, the dodgy pub," I nodded. "Joy, it is not dodgy!" Hermione snapped. "Yes it is!" I insisted. "It's dodgier than the deals that Mundungus makes."

"You heard your aunt shouting at him?" Ron asked me. "No, I heard my aunt threatening him," I clarified.

"Did you see Sirius?" Harry asked me. "No, he made himself scarce, I only really saw Tia there, Tia has a lot to do in the Order since she's High Auror in the Ministry."

"I expect Moody's keeping her busy," Ron assumed and I nodded in agreement.

"Well, students don't usually go in there," Hermione explained to us. "And also because it's dodgy," I added. "Joy! Shut up!"

I snorted at Hermione's short temper as we walked inside. Like I said. Dodgy.

I was about to say that aloud but one glare from Hermione shut me up.

"Four Butterbeers, please," I said to the bartender. "Eight Sickles," he grunted. I was about to fish my wallet out but Harry gently took hold of my wrist, stopping me as he handed the bartender the money. "On me."

We went over to the furthest table from the bar. "Ooh, they have Firewhiskey here, I always wanted to try some," Ron grinned.

"Me too," I smirked.

"You are a prefect! And you have a death wish!" Hermione snarled at the both of us.

"Look, here they are," Ron pointed at the door. A big group of people walked into the room. Neville, Dean, Lavender, the Patil twins, Daphne and her sister Astoria, Katie and Angelina, Cho Chang and one of her mates who would not stop giggling for the love of Merlin, Colin and Dennis Creevy, Luna, Ernie, Hannah, Justin, Ginny, Fred, George, three Ravenclaw boys and one Hufflepuff guy who didn't look all that happy being there.

Harry was surprised at the turnout. "Will I..alright," I murmured under my breath as I stood up. "Alright, we all know why we're here," I addressed them. "We had the idea that we should learn Defence Against the Dark Arts properly instead of that bullshit Umbridge is teaching us, not just to pass our O.W.Ls, but to be properly trained because Lord Voldemort is back."

Some people shuddered and twitched at the name which I paid no attention to. "That's the plan anyway," I continued. "If you want to join us, we need to decide how..."

"Where's the proof You-Know-Who is back?!" the Hufflepuff guy rudely interrupted me.

"Who are you?" Ron hissed at him. "Zacharias Smith, I think we deserve the right to know exactly what makes him say he's back."

"Because I saw him come back," Harry piped up, frustrated. "My best friend got tortured by his followers, Dumbledore told you the story last year so I'm not going to bother repeating myself and waste this afternoon trying to convince people."

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