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I crossed my arms. staring at the new decree. Umbridge was now headmistress of Hogwarts. "Stupid, old hag," I grumbled. "And that's five points from Gryffindor for insulting our new headmistress," I heard Malfoy sneer behind me.

"Abusing your power as prefect? Yet again?" I turned on my heel facing him. "Well, you see Jones, I'm now a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, meaning I can dock points as I please, even from prefects, I want to dock points for you being a werewolf, but since you're fit I won't."

"Is that supposed to flatter me?" I rolled my eyes.

"As I recall, you broke my nose," Malfoy folded his arms. "You were practically begging me to," I sighed. "I mean my left fist is sore from Parkinson attacking me last week but the right one is still in good shape."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" Malfoy scoffed. "Take a wild guess," I grumbled, trying to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. "You know Jones, you and me would've been close if you were sorted into literally any other house and also if you weren't a half-breed."

I let out a wry chuckle and my eyes glanced at his pale hand. "Either remove it or I break it," I threatened him. "You're not that strong," Malfoy sneered but I seized his arm, applying pressure on his arm. "You forget I am a werewolf, like you just mentioned, I'm stronger than you, it's better than being a spoiled, privileged ferret," I said in a scarily calm voice. I let go of his arm. "Now piss off, before I break something else."

"Five points for lack of manners!" he snapped. "Oh, sorry, what I meant to say was piss off, please," I snarked before storming off. "Slick git."

I found Fred and George with their eyes widened. "Did you break Malfoy's arm?"

"Light sprain, git deserved it," I rolled my eyes. "Would have been so much more entertaining if you broke it," Fred laughed. "I know, I know, I just want this reign of terror to be over," I sighed.

"It could be a lot worse, you could be dead," George pointed out. "Umbridge is interrogating everyone."

"What?! About what?!" I freaked out. "About Dumbledore, she asked a couple of Gryffindors about Sirius," Fred whispered to me. "Fuck," I swore quietly.

Harry POV

I shot up, panting after having another nightmare. My scar was burning and I grimaced. It was about the same thing. Joy getting attacked by Voldemort.

I wanted to talk to her about it but I couldn't so I decided to talk to someone else.

I picked up the mirror and I went down to the common room. "Sirius Black."

Sirius appeared in the mirror. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked him. "No, can't sleep," he admitted. "Is Snivellus giving you a hard time?"

"Is Tatiana there?" I asked him. "Uh yeah, she is, T! Harry wants a word!"

Tatiana's face appeared and she didn't look happy. "I heard about the hag," she said. "Is everything okay over there?"

"With her yes, but I wanted to talk about my scar," I said to her. "Oh," Tatiana looked surprised that I wanted to discuss this with her. "Is it more about your dreams?"

"Joy is in every one of them and Voldemort hurts her in each one," I explained to her. "I want to protect her but she thinks he's trying to trick me."

I had told Tatiana about these dreams before but I felt like I needed to tell her everything.

"Well, Joy is stubborn as hell," Tatiana told me. "She doesn't like to be babied or treated like she isn't capable of taking care of herself, I get that you're worried about her but I don't see why he'd tell you that he would attack her, I'm sure that he's trying to mess with you but better safe than sorry, look, I'll try to talk to Joy but you may get a grumpy wolf once I'm finished, thanks for telling me Harry."

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