Chapter 2

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(Courtney's POV)

I woke up to an alarm sound. I turned to my side to switch it off, then got up with my eyes shut. I walked over to where my door was supposed to be, but I bumped into the wall. I opened my eyes and walked out the room.

Then I froze in horror. I retrieved my steps back into the room and took a good look at the wall. They. Were. Black. My walls are cream! I took a look around the room and realised that I didn't recognise the place I was standing in. The walls had posters of Fall Out Boy and Bring me the horizon. It looked really gothic.

I just ignored it. My house was really big so I probably just sleep walked into this goth room. I walked and tried to find the nearest bathroom so I could brush my teeth.

When I walked in there was a mirror before me. What I saw made my body freeze. I. Was. Goth. Girl.

I looked down to see my pale white arms and my back jammies. I let out a high pitched scream.

I heard footsteps run towards the bathroom. The door opened and a woman walked in. What do I say now?

"Mum?" I asked hoping it was her.

"What's wrong Gwen." She said with a panicked tone. I was going to correct her but then I realised.

"Umm... I fell asleep again and had a nightmare?" I said awkwardly.

"Well, you scared me! Now go sort yourself out young lady."

I hurried out of the bathroom into Gwen's room. Now I needed an outfit.

I looked through her wardrobe and practically everything I found was black.

"At least she's colour coordinated..." I said under my breath.

I picked out a black crop top and some washed blue denim skinny jeans. I put on some black converse and walked downstairs to make some breakfast.

(Gwen's POV)

I woke up to this alarm at 6 am, but I ignored it and snuggled deeper into my pink comfortable bed. I kept my eyes open and just layed there, contemplating my room. I wasn't exactly aware of what I was doing as I was half asleep.

Then I realised that I didn't recognise the room I was in. The walls were a nice cream colour. The room overall was and a bit girly, yet really organised.

Maybe mum took me to dad's when I was sleeping.

My parents were divorced. My dad thinks I'm one of those happy dumb girly girls, which made him decorate my room really pretty, I guess.

I got up and looked down to put on my slippers, when I realised my legs were tan. Not just that, but so where my arms and I was wearing something different to what I had on last night. I let out a scream of horror.

Strangely enough, nobody walked in to ask me what was wrong.

I got up and went to find a mirror. I saw a bathroom slightly open, meaning there had to be the precious artefact I longed to find in there.

I saw my face and dropped my jaw. I. Was. Courtney. I let out a scream again, and came to the realisation that nobody was here. You can't even get close to imagining what I felt unless you've experienced this.

I tried convincing myself that this was just a bad dream, and that I'll wake up later. I guess I was going to have some fun then.

I walked back to Courtney's room, in search for decent clothes. I found this box stacked away at the back of her closet, which was basically a separate room inside hers.

In the box there were ripped black leather jeans, and a bunch of clothes I've never seen Courtney wear.

I pulled the black trousers I had my eye on out first, then a checkered black and dark red jumper. I also found these black combat boots, which looked really un-Courtney-like and really badass for her.

I ran to the bathroom to put on some thick winged eyeliner, which actually looked good, some mascara and red lipstick. I gripped half her hair down to the side of her head, so you could only see one half.

Once I was happy with the Courtney I have just created I went to find the kitchen and make something to eat.

(Courtney's POV)

I was making myself some breakfast, until the same woman walked in and gave me a confused glare.

"Since when do you know how to cook?" She asked. I guess because I'm always left alone at home.

"Umm... we learnt in food tech, at school." I said. How was I meant to know she didn't know how to cook.

"Okay..." She said, almost not believing me. "Just remember that Hudson's taking you to school today. Wake him up and tell him I said so." She finished and left the room.

Who the hell is Hudson?

I finished my breakfast and walked up the stairs, trying to find some Hudson guys room.

There were four doors. One, that was Gwen's room, another one that was open and I could see Gwen's mother inside. Then there were two other doors. One of them had a rocket stuck on and a Six year old boy's writing on, so I opened the door opposite that one.

It was surprisingly neater than Gwen's room, but it still gave out that punky vibe. In the corner there was a bed with a notice figure snuggled under the covers. I took them off and threw them towards the other side of the room.

"What did you do that for Gwen?!" A muscular boy stood up from the bed. He was a senior I had seen around, I think. His hair was black and messy and made him look pretty hot. He was also good looking, which made me wonder how on earth he was related to Gwen.

"Mum said that you have to get up and you're driving me to school, and you don't have a choice." I said, trying to stop myself from making it obvious I was checking him out.

"Whatever. Now go away." He said sternly. I took the hint and got out the room. I started waiting downstairs while watching TV until he was ready to go.

"Why are you looking quite, presentable today?" He asked after finally coming downstairs.

"Am I not allowed to?" I asked giving him a challenging look.

Like seriously, I was wearing the decentest clothes I could find, and he said I looked presentable. Right, as if.

He just shrugged it off and walked outside to his car. At least I don't have to find my way to school.

(Gwen's POV)

I decided to set off a bit early, because I knew that I was going to get lost.

When I finally made it to school, I saw myself getting out of Hudson's car. Except that I think Courtney was in there like I was in her body.

Once she saw me, she rushed over to where I was standing.

"Err, Gwen?" She asked.

"Courtney?" I asked too, and she nodded.

"Okay, what the hell is going on?" She asked me.

"I was about to say the same." I answered.

"Well then, I am really scared right now." She looked at me giving a hopeful look.

"Me too." I said and walked away from her. Or myself. Or whoever.

This was going to be the hardest and weirdest day of my life.

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Hey guys! New update. Sorry it took a long time to basically say that they woke up and realised they were someone else, but oh well, you read it anyway.

I had this great idea on what to do next, so don't forget to keep reading!




Ily guys!

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