Chapter 6

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(Courtney's POV)

I got Hudson to drive me to school by telling him that his mum said so. That is one stubborn guy Gwen has to put up with.

I got out the car and almost screeched as I was being dragged away by some strong arms and taken into the far corner of the school, where rarely anyone goes to.

"Let me go you- Trent?" I said astonished turning to see who had just kidnapped me.

"Hey. Err, I just wanted to ask you if we were a thing, you know?" He said with his cheeks flushing red.

"And you had to drag me all the way over her to ask me. And was the kidnapping necessary?" I crossed my arms and eyed him carefully, which I could see made him slightly uncomfortable.

"Sorry about that, I just needed to talk to you alone before your friends saw you. But are we, together?" He asked again scratching the back of his neck.

"I guess so." I said hugging him.
"But my lesson is on the other side of the school, so you've got to pay me back somehow."

"I've got 50p." He said rummaging through his trousers pockets.

"I was thinking more along the lines of going to that frozen yogurt place after school." I said making it obvious I was dropping a hint.

"Deal. Now let's go!" He said hurrying down the corridor, and I followed after him.

I got to Gwen's History class just before the last bell rang, out of breath. I moved my eyes around the room to try to locate an empty seat.

"Would you like to have the pleasure and honor of sitting in the table beside me?" Said a voice on my left. I turned to it and saw Alejandro smirking at me.

The guy never fails to flirt with literally everyone.

I rolled my eyes and sat where he had suggested. Then the teacher announced that there was a pop quiz which will count for 5 percent of our final grade. I suppose Gwen is lucky I'm taking History as well.

The teacher handed out the test papers and went over the rules before allowing us to start. Ten minutes in, Alejandro was trying to get my attention.

"Psst." He said. I turned my gaze towards him and gave him a 'what the hell do you want' look. He pointed down at the table where he had written something. I leaned in a bit closer to be able to see, then suddenly Alejandro lifted his hand up.

"I am sorry to interrupt sir, but Gwen is copying my answers for the test." He spoke gallantly.I pulled away rapidly. I wanted to smack the living daylights out of him, but I thought it wasn't Gwen-like and I wasn't planning on getting her another detention now that I am in charge.

"Miss Baxter! Go to the principal's office right this instance." Shouted the crankiest teacher we have at East Brook High, which made me jump back from how loud he was, as he walked up to my desk and ripped the paper in half.

I gathered my belongings, and stood up. I shot Alejandro a glare which he returned with a devious smile.

I walked out of the room and started walking towards the office.




"Gwen, Gwen. Mind telling me why you are in my office. And quickly. I have a show to catch up on." Said our narcistic head teacher, Mr. McLean.

I felt slightly uncomfortable to be in a room with so many portraits and pictures of himself everywhere.

You're not good looking get over yourself.

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