Chapter 7

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(Gwen's POV)

It was after school, around five and I had just finished having a bubble bath when my little maid told me I had a visitor. I suspected it was Courtney so I walked over to the entrance and found Duncan.

"Hey Courtney." He says.

"Hi? What are you even doing here?" I asked crossing my arms. I wasn't really expecting him to come.

"Isn't princess glad to see me?" He speaks wiggling his eyebrows flirtatiously.

"Oh, please. Now answer the question." I reply sternly.

"We're going to the park." He says.

"We are?" I say confused.


"Since when am I going to the park with you?"

"Since now." Said Duncan. I rolled my eyes and followed him outside anyways.

We walked to a park nearby that was kinda empty. I had forgotten that it was mid December and I didn't bring a coat so I was shivering like crazy.

"Here." He says handing me his jacket.

"Its okay." I refuse shaking my head.

"Trust me, I'll be fine. But your lips have literally gone blue. Now take it." He said holding the jacket out in front of me.

I hesitantly took it and when I put it on it instantly warmed me up. He really does care about Courtney I guess.

"So why exactly am I here?" I ask.

"I wanted to hang out with you." He said like it was no big deal.

"It's a bit chilly out here though. Let's go into that Starbucks instead." I suggest standing up.

We walk over to the coffee shop and order our drinks.

"I'll have a chocolate macchiato with with whipped cream. My name is Patrick Stump." I tell the employee who was taking our orders.

"I'll have a regular coffee." Spoke Duncan.
"And my name is Ariana Grande." He says. The waiter doesn't question our names as he's probably used to this. He hands us our drinks and we walk over to a table.

"So, how's it going?" I asked trying to fight the awkwardness in the air. He simply shrugged his shoulders and looked at me.
"Okay then." I say taking a sip from my coffee.
"Will you quit staring." I snap.

"You're really beautiful you know." He says after a while.

"Thanks." I state. He's complimenting Courtney after all.

"I know you're probably going to burst out laughing and walk away from me thinking I'm crazy but, will you go to Winter Formal with me?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply after gulping down some more coffee. His eyes glisten and his face lights up.

"Really?" He smiled and I nodded.
"Cool. Should we get going?" He asks standing up.

"Yep." I reply popping the 'p'. He walked me home and I couldn't wait to tell Courtney that I got her a date.




(Courtney's POV)

I get out the car the next morning and find Trent waving me over to him. I walk to where he is standing.

"Hey Trent!" I say giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Gwen! Hey, well, I was wondering if you'd go to Winter Formal with me tomorrow night?" He asks with nervousness in his voice.

"Of course I will." I say and he kisses me again.

"Well, I'll see you later I guess." He said as he walked away towards his friends.

"Courtney!" I hear someone call. I immediately know it's Gwen and I turn to face her.

"Hi Gwen." I say.

"Hey Courtney, please don't kill me, but you're going to Winter Formal with Duncan." She says panting for air as she had just ran. My eyes widen then go back to their relaxed position.

"It's okay." I say.

"So you're not pulling on a fit about this?" She said confused and I shake my head.

"Of course not. Because you will be the one dealing with him and I will be with Trent. And have I mentioned that you guys are officially dating?" I ask changing the subject.

"What?!" She shouts at me.

"Since yesterday. Now shut up!" I tell her.
"Do you know what this means?" I tell her with a smirk growing on my face.


"Today we will be going shopping!" I say and terror immediately invades her features.

"I am not going shopping." She snaps.

"Umm, yeah you are. Because otherwise you can't stop me from buying a pink puffy dress and wearing it. Everyone will think it's you." I threaten crossing my arms. She grits her teeth before finally giving in.

"Fine, whatever." She says.

"Great. Meet me here after school. When's your free period on Fridays?" I ask.

"Last lesson."

"In that case, meet me here then." I say then walk off to start the school day.


[ A / N ]

Hey guys! Short chapter, I know. Please don't kill me. I had to update this eventually and I might be uploading the first chapter of my new story soon so stay tuned.

It's a really bad chapter, so let's ignore that and just answer the question in the comments.

QOTC : favourite season?
AOTC : TDWT/TDI i can't make up my mind

Thanks for readinggggggg




Ily guys!

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