Chapter 1

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(Gwen's POV)

Just another dumb day at a dumb school filled with dumb losers who think they're cool but are dumb. Way to introduce me to the real dumb world!

At least I have something to look forward to seeing, which is definitely not Trent if you were wondering...

I walk into the building and over to my locker, whom I have the absolute honor to have it right beside the one and only Courtney Barlow. Yay me...

"Can you move your blue hair extensions out the way. It's so big and messy I can't even open my locker." Said a tan figure that approached me and started glaring at me.

"Maybe if you just waited until I was done we wouldn't have this problem." I snapped back at her.

"First of all, you need to learn what a comb and what looking presentable is. And second of all, hurry up. I am on a schedule! " She shouted at me.

"Take a pill..." I mumbled.

Suddenly this tallish boy with tealy blue eyes, jet black hair and a green mohawk comes up to Courtney.

"Hey princess, how's it going?" Asked Duncan with a flirtatious tone in his voice.

"Awful." She said as she glanced at me, then looked away.

"How about we ditch, to cheer you up?"

"I'll never do that, especially if it's with you." She snapped.

"Fine. They all come crawling back." He said as a smirk crept upon his face and walked away.

"Like anyone would want to him..." She said under her breath.

I took my stuff and moved out the way. "Happy now? Oh, and be careful. Your uptight butt is probably going to burst." A feeling of victory jumped upon me.

"Excuse me?! I am not uptight, it's called being organised. Now don't even talk to me wierd Goth girl!" She screeched and walked away in her preppy little clothes with her popular little friends to go on and live her perfect little life. Ughhh.

I ignored her and went to my lessons until school was over.

(Courtney's POV )

I hate that nasty goth girl. Could she not bother me?! I for one am here to make my future the best I can have it, and she is just here to depress everyone. Ughhh!

I went over to my group of people I hang around to not look like a loner. It's not that I don't like them, they just don't care about me. I'd prefer to keep it that way.

"Anyone free to go to the mall after school?" Asked Heather.

"I am." I replied.

"Anyone? Fine, just go live your busy lives." She said with such a blunt expression.

"I've got to go now." I said, but they pretended I wasn't even there. My emotions were immune to being ignored, so I just walked off.

I went to my lessons until school was over.




After school I walked home. I opened the door with the keys father gave me and I entered my house. As always, he wasn't there.

I sighed and walked to the kitchen to make myself some lunch. I put the pizza in the oven and started doing all the homework I was given, to get it out of the way.

After that I just sat there watching TV until someone knocked on the door. Was it father?

I hurried towards the door and opened it to find an ogre stood there smirking and checking me out.

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