Chapter 5

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(Gwen's POV)

Once I woke up I quickly checked my surroundings.

Home sweet- oh damn it. I'm here again.

Yup. I was still Courtney. I think Courtney was still me. Everything was still strange.

I did the same as yesterday, without the freaking out. I messed with Courtney's outfit and makeup again, which to be honest you would do too, then walked outside to find my way to school again.

I arrived to my locker and saw Courtney run up to me.

"Okay I am still really freaked out by this. We need to figure something out to change back to ourselves. Let's go to mine after school and work on something." She said closing her locker.

She didn't give me any time to reply as she already walked off with Zoey.

I guess I'll have to just walk alone to P.E... or not.

I saw Courtney's friends from a far so I decided to join their little group.
"Hey guys!" I said butting in to to their conversation.

"Hey Carly!" Said Lindsay with a happy face.

Carly? I guess she does have a reputation for mistaking people's names, apart from that, she actually a really nice person.

Everyone ignored my presence, except for Alejandro, who just glanced at me. If that counts for not ignoring at least.

At least someone realises I am here. What type of friends does Courtney have?

I walked into the changing room and got into my PE kit, which consisted of preferably black shorts and a tank top. I grabbed my water bottle then walked out the door and into the sports hall after getting changed. I sat beside some random person, crossing my legs.

"Hey girl!" Said Leshawna.

"Hi!" I replied with a grin, then stared to listen to the teacher.




School was over and I waited for Courtney where our lockers were.

"Took your time." I said sarcastically once she arrived.

"Sorry, but the register wouldn't load in tutor. Your home room seriously sucks." She told me. I shrugged then started walking with her to her much beloved house.

Once we got there she lead me to her room, and plopped herself on one of the bean bags.

"So what do you think we could do about this event?" She asked looking up at me.

I took a seat at her desk then replied, "Well, according to every single movie I have watched where people swap bodies, we will swap back once we understand how hard it is to be each other." I replied.

Courtney scoffed. "Then enlighten me, how difficult is it to be you?" She asked with a bored expression.

"How about we learn a but about our backgrounds, so we kinda understand our our lives at home as well as at school." I suggested. Courtney shuffled into a position that made it looked like she was listening.

"Okay then," She started "But you can start." She said.

I released a sigh, then began talking. "My name is Gwen Baxter, I have two brothers, my parents are divorced so I live with my mum, but I have a close relationship with my dad, my mother is a wedding planner, and that's about it." I finished. "Your turn."

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