Chapter 8

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(Courtney's POV)

"Okay, so we're going to search the first 3 floors and take a break if we don't find a dress, then we're going to look through floors four to six and by then we would've found the perfect dress for Winter Formal." I explained to Gwen as I drove my car from home.

"Do I even have to go?" She asked.

"Yes. Because I want it to look like I am going, meaning you have to go. And I wanted to go in the first place so I'm going to be there too watching your every move." I spoke. Gwen sighed.
"And we're here." I said stopping the car.

I grabbed her arm and dragged her through the first three floors, but couldn't find anything.

"Okay, let's take a break. I call Starbucks." Said Gwen running towards the coffee shop. I followed her inside.

We got our coffees and sat at a table.

"So, this is what you do for fun?" Gwen asks me with a confused look.

"Ummm, yeah." I reply taking a sip through my straw.

"You have no idea how boring this actually is." She states.

"Oh, come on. Now it's round two." I say standing up. Gwen sighs then stands up and I practically have to drag her into the shop.

"Try this on!" I say pulling out a pink mid thigh dress with silver rhinestone designs in the waist area and the chest. It was quite puffy and had a tutu fabric going over it with silver sparkles. It was a really nice dress and I was definitely buying it.
"And I've got this one for me." I added showing her a black mid thigh dress. The top half was filled with black sequins, reaching the waist line, then flowed loosely down to her thigh. I think it suited her taste in clothing.

"That actually looks quite nice." She pointed at the dress I would be wearing for her.

"Of course it is. Because I picked it." I said as I walked over to the cashier.
"Both on me." I tell Gwen. I pay for the dresses then walk out the store.


I styled my hair (Gwen's hair) in a scruffy bun at the back of my head, which looked quite elegant at the same time. Then I let Gwen's hair (my hair) out in loose curls, with some silver glittery hair spray at the tips of certain curls.

"We look great." I said admiring my masterpieces.

"Yeah. Now let's get going, so we can come home earlier!" She said leading me out the door.

We got into my car and drove off to Winter Formal. When we arrived I saw Trent waiting for me at the door.

"Catch you later." I tell Gwen.
"Hey Trent!" I say walking up to him.

"Hey Gwen. You look gorgeous tonight." He complimented me.

"Shut up, you." I said before I pressed my lips onto his and walked into the hall.

There was a lot of people dancing in the center of the sports hall. On either side there were tables set up for us to eat when dinner was served, and on the right at the corner there were some snacks, drinks and punch. At the front there was a DJ playing the music on the mixer. The walls were decorated with giant paper snowflakes, some of them also hanging off the ceiling. The room was dark and lit by the colourful lights that shone on the disco ball, spreading colours all around the room. I have to say that they did a really good job on preparing this.

"Wanna dance?" Asked Trent holding out his hand when Thinking Out Loud came on.

"I don't dance." I say turning him down.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun." He insisted.

"Fine." I replied taking it and joining all the dancing couples in the room.
He put his hands on my hips and I put mine on his shoulders as we began swaying in time with the music and everyone else. By instinct I rested my head on his chest and he held me closer to his body.

I wasn't exactly having that much of a great time because I'm pretending to be Gwen, and everything happening here is for her instead of me. I just want my life back already!

(Gwen's POV)

Duncan had bailed on me. He hadn't turned up and I was just awkwardly standing around in the corner away from everyone. Does Courtney always get let down by people? Get promised things and ends up being lied to and simply not cared for?

I see Trent and Courtney dancing together all happy. That could be me right there. I could be the one having a good time for once, instead of being left out. Although I have gotten used to that. I just want my life back!

Then suddenly it goes all black for a second. I open my eyes and I realise that I am dancing. I look up and see Trent looking down at me. I was me. I was Gwen Baxter again! It was all back to normal!

"You alright there? You looked like you were about to faint for a second." Says with noticeable concern in his voice.

"I'm good. It's all good." I reply with a grin, then snuggle back into his chest.

"Let's get some food." He suggests and I follow him to the stand.

(Courtney's POV)

I was dancing with Trent, wishing I could be myself again. Then suddenly everything blacked out. I opened my eyes a few seconds later to a different setting. I look down on myself and realise that I am me again. It's all back to normal.

I walk outside to get some fresh air and see Duncan panting as her ran towards the school.

"Duncan!" I shouted so I could get his attention.

"Princess! Sorry I'm late I just- wow" He was left speechless when he saw me. He just looked at me in awe with his mouth slightly parted. I had literally made someone speechless. I think I deserve points for that.
"You look great in that dress." He told me after a minute or two of him just looking at me.

"Thank you." I reply slightly walking a bit closer to him.

"No problem. I think we should be getting inside now cause-" He was interrupted by my lips crushing onto his. I pulled away after a few seconds and just walked inside grabbing his arm.

"What just happened?" He asked.

"I've had a crush on you for a long time, okay? I have always tried to deny it but I just can't anymore. Because I want you. But if you don't like me its okay I mean it's no-" now this time I was interrupted by him kissing me.

"I guess I've liked you for a while too." He said.

"Does that mean that were together?" I ask.

"Whatever you say princess." He tells me.

"I say you're mine and nobody is stealing you away from me."


[ A / N ]

Hey guys! It's the end of the chapter because I wanted to finish this book already so yeah. It's been great writing thank you for all your support and stuff so see you next time.

Ily guys!!!

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