Chapter 3

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(Gwen's POV)

I walked over to my locker to get my books for the day. I saw in Courtney's timetable that she had Algebra, English, Drama, History, free period and Spanish. Why did she have to take such complicated subjects!

Duncan then walked up to me.

"Hey princess." Princess? Oh, right.

"Hello?" I asked. How would Courtney act in this moment?

"Go away, you ogre." Said Courtney as she walked over to save me.

"Who are you? And isn't that something Courtney would say?" Asked Duncan.

Way to make things suspicious, Courtney!

"I just wanted to see your reaction to me saying that." She lied.

No wonder she is taking drama.

"Whatever. So Courtney, how about you, me, movies, after school?" He asked me.

Courtney gave me a glare signaling me to say no.

"Sure." I replied. Courtney face palmed.

"I'll pick you up at six." He said and walked away. I saw him punch the air in victory.

Then Courtney dragged me away.

"What the hell Gwen! What did you do that for!" She whisper shouted at me.

"Last time I checked, you aren't in charge of yourself anymore, so I suggest you just deal with it." I snapped then walked away flipping my hair.

I left to go find my classroom. I felt like a freshman on their first week. People I walked past greeted me and some even flirted. I guess this is how it feels to be hot and popular.

(Courtney's POV)

She said yes to Duncan. That was killing me in the inside in two ways.
1) Now it seems like I like Duncan.
2) Maybe Gwen likes Duncan.

Okay the second one came out wrong. I don't like Duncan. Eww. Not in a thousand years.

I looked at Gwen's timetable to check what lesson she had. Chemistry. No big deal. I began to walk over to my classroom. Then suddenly a Blonde girl with green eyes dragged me away.

"There you are Gwen! Me and Leshawna were worried about you because you didn't show up at the spot this morning." She said.

"Sorry, I forgot." I lied. I wasn't aware of this 'spot'.

"Anyways, I heard that yesterday Trent walked you home." Spoke Leshawna.

I gave her a confused look.

"She has eyes and ears everywhere." Bridgette explained.

"Well, um, you know. He just walked home with me. No big deal." I made that up as I went along.

"Right. You probably gazed into those green eyes of his, wishing to be able to ruffle his coal black hair and kiss thoes lips of his."

"Leshawna!" I shouted.

"I'm just saying." She muttered.

We walked in silence for a minute.

"So, you guys want to come round after school?" Asked Bridgette.

"Sure." I agreed, then walked into my classroom.

(Gwen's POV)

After Algebra was over I made my way to English. People I walked past would either smile or greet me, some even gave out a cheesy pick up line. I smiled back at everyone, trying to ignore them as I walked down the hall.

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