Chapter 4

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(Gwen's POV)

I enjoyed my time at Courtney's mansion all alone, watching the best movies of all time! Then I heard someone calling Courtney's name.

"Miss Barlow?! Lunch is served in the kitchen. I have prepared some spaghetti bolognaise." The voice said.

She had a maid?! I swear this girl is loving the life from a pretty young age.

I walked over to the kitchen, where I was served some delicious pasta that was to die for. I guess being rich does have its perks.

After eating, I dismissed myself and walked over to Courtney's room to get ready for the cinema with Duncan. All I did was redo my makeup though.

I craved on the bowl of MnM's that she had beside her perfectly made queen sized bed.

"Miss Barlow, there is someone waiting for you downstairs in the entrance." Said my maid as she peeked through the door to talk to me.

"Call me Courtney, and thanks for letting me know." I replied as formal as I could. I think that's what Courtney would do anyway.

I rushed downstairs to find Duncan sat on one of the sofas, which I guess was in some sort of waiting room.

"Princess! Ready to go?" He asked me as he walked out the door and waited for me.

"Yup." I said and followed his steps. "We're riding on that?!" I said with a worried expression pointing at the motorcycle before my eyes.

"Have a problem?" He asked smirking.

"Not at all." I lied as I put on the helmet he handed me. I sat down and wrapped my arms around him.

"Hold on tight." He said, and I tightened my grip. "Don't choke me though." He teased.

"Sorry." I apologised and loosened my hands a tiny bit. He started the engine and the machine began moving.

(Courtney's POV)

I began to get changed at around five o'clock. I put on these denim shorts I found, and a black and white striped shirt, which I tucked into my shorts. I wore some black converse to complete the outfit.

I retouched my makeup and waited patiently for Trent to arrive.

"Who are you all dressed up for?" Asked Gwen's mother as she offered me some biscuits she had on a plate.

"Just going to the cinema with a friend." I replied, taking a milk chocolate digestive.

"Mmmhmm." She said nudging my shoulder. Then the doorbell rang.

Saved by the bell.

"Got to go mum!" I said as I turned to kiss her mother's cheek and rushed towards the door. I think that's what people with mum's do, right?.

"Hey Trent." I said walking out the house.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and started walking by him, as the cinema was only about three minutes away.

Once we arrived, we agreed on watching Pitch Perfect 2, which he surprisingly didn't mind as he was into music.

We bought the popcorn and drinks, then walked into the actual cinema room.

(Gwen's POV)

We got some tickets to watch 'The Conjuring'.

"I didn't know you were into this kinda stuff." Said Duncan as we waited in line to buy popcorn.

"I guess you don't know much about me." I said with a shrug.

I got some caramel popcorn and Coke.

"I remember you ranting about how disgusting sweet popcorn is, and here you are, buying sweet popcorn." Duncan said as if he was some sort of detective.

"I changed my mind, that's all." I lied. I mean, who doesn't like sweet popcorn?! Courtney, that's who.

We walked into the room where our movie was being displayed and watched through the trailers.

(Courtney's POV)

"The movie was actually pretty good." Trent says as we walk out the viewing room.

"Yeah, better than I expected." I answered smiling forwards.

Then I realised that in front of us there was a guy with a green mohawk walking alongside a girl with shoulder length straight brown hair. Duncan and Gwen.

We walked past them and Gwen saw me and gave me a surprised look, which I returned with a smirk.

We had a conversation about the film we just watched as we walked towards Gwen's house.

We stood outside the door in that really cliché scene, where you tell each other that you had fun.

"That was fun." Trent said looking at me.

"I had a good time too." I replied biting my lip in the awkwardness of this conversation. We just stared at each others eyes for about a minute.

Is he going to kiss me or not?!

I gave up and kissed his cheek. He looked shocked and put his hand over where my lips just touched his cheek.

"See you tomorrow, Trent." I said turning on my heel about to walk towards the door. He suddenly grabbed my wrist. I turned around confused and he gave me a kiss.

Now that is how you end dates. Thank you. Now get off Gwen's lips, someone else is in charge of her now.

He pulled away and smiled, then walked off.

Okay then.

I thought as I turned to open the door with the keys I had in my purse.

I hope tomorrow I'm back to being Courtney again.

(Gwen's POV)

We went on his motorcycle back to Courtney's, then I walked into her house.

"Bye Duncan!" I said and closed the door behind me.

Did I really see Trent and Courtney, except that it was Trent and my body?! I hope she didn't scare him off, she doesn't know how much I would hate her then. If I liked Trent. Which I don't.

"Miss Barlow, you look a bit stressed. Would you like me to prepare a bubble bath for you?" Her maid asked.

"Sure, thank you." I said walking towards the kitchen to eat dinner.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind staying as Courtney forever. But I still wish things will go back to normal.

After eating this scrumptious dish of roasted chicken with a side of roasted peanuts, I went to my toilet and got into the bath.

What a relaxing way to end my day.



Hey guys! Finally updated this story. I'm not really proud of this chapter, but I guess I had to show what happened on the dates.

Hopefully next chapter will be better? Thanks for reading though!




Ily guys!

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