~chapter 5~

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Spending the night at Rilynns was a completely new experience for Me. Rilynn has a little brother, Scott, and her parents are still together. They all eat together, and talk about each other's day during dinner. They didn't act as if I wasn't there, they even included me in the conversation. It was weird having an adult take an interest in me in such an innocent way. Usually when adults have taken an interest in me, it's not for very good reasons. They also play games together, Rilynn says they play a game together every Saturday. I really enjoyed being at her house, it made me feel warm, if that makes any sense.  Right now Mrs. Pace is dropping us off at the mall, Rilynns already out of the car and rushing towards the doors while I'm unbuckling my seat belt. 

"Hey Dani?" Mrs pace says gently and I look up from the seat buckle. "Rilynn told me about your roommate, I'm sorry to hear about that, but I just wanted you to know, if you needed someone to talk too, I'm here if you want."

I was surprised by this, she barely knew me but was offering to listen to my problems. I didn't really know how to respond, so I just smiled and nodded, "yeah, thanks."

She smiles at me too, then gestures to Rilynn waiting impatiently for me at the mall doors. "Alright, you should catch up with her, and remind her that I'll be back to pick you guys up at three, and tonight we're playing monopoly."

I nod, "okay I will, thank you for the ride." I wanted to say thank you for so much more, but that would have given away too much.

When I get to Rilynn she groans dramatically, "there you are, you took forever."

I laugh, "your mom was talking to me." I tell her as she loops her arm through mine and we walk into the building.

She rolls her eyes, "of course she was," then she looks around, "what should we do first?" 

I shrug, I'd never been to the mall before, so I wasn't really sure what they had to do here. Ms. Jacobs had given me twenty dollars before I left, she said it was for helping out so much and not to tell the other girls. Usually when one of the girls at the children's home helps with something around the house it's because they're being punished, I'm the only one that does it voluntarily.  "We could just walk around and see what there is?" 

She nods affirmatively, "good idea, it's a great plan of attack."

"That's such a weird way of saying you agree," I laugh and she laughs too.

"Perhaps, anyways, Rat said he and his buddy's might meet us here." She says as we walk past the fountain in center of the mall.

"Who's he bringing?" I ask, I had met some of his friends, but I knew he hung out with a lot of different people.

"Greg, Brian, Issac and one other person I thi-" the end of her sentence was cut off when an arm is thrown around both our shoulders and a guy wedges his way in-between us.

"Would you lovely ladies like to hangout with me and my friend today." I had initially flinched at the contact, but I smile to cover it up.

"No Zeke, we would not." Rilynn says laughing, they had gone to the same middle school together and she had introduced me last week, I didn't tell her that we already knew each other. Zeke himself didn't say anything either, so I honestly think he doesn't remember.

"Oh come on Rilynn, you know I'm in love with you, just give me a chance." He tells her Taking his arm off of my shoulder and I breathe out a breath of relief.

She rolls her eyes, "you are not and you know I'm dating Rat."  I turn away from there conversation and look over to the fountain where Zeke's friend was sitting.

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