~ Chapter 14 ~

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It was Saturday and my friends and I had decided to hang out at the park down the road from the school.  Honestly probably more teenagers hung out here than younger children. There were a few mother's walking by, glaring at us as they pushed their kids in strollers, as if we had no right to be here. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but Greg and Brian glared back and they looked away. Rylinn and Rat were nowhere in sight,  probably making out somewhere while Greg, Brian and I played on the swings. They did this quite a lot actually, disappearing to find a spot to hide and make out in. I accidentally caught them once, and both Rilynn and Rat were embarrassed for the rest of the day, neither willing to make eye contact with me. So I find it's best not to go looking when they “wander” off together.

Brian was currently standing on his swing, while Greg pushed him and I was twisted around in mine so that I could see them.  “You're gonna push me really hard and then I'm gonna jump off and fly,” Brian told him excitedly.

“I don't know if-” just as I say this, attempting to warn my two idiots of friends that this was a bad idea, Brian belly flops right into the rubber chips of the playground.

“Okay maybe that wasn't a good idea.” He rolls over on his back and Greg holds his hand out to him. After he pulls him up, Brian starts to walk away, “I think I'm gonna go walk this off,” he says before heading for the picnic tables, and the more forested walking path area of the park. By forested I mean just enough trees to hide the walking path and that was it.

“You think he'll be okay, should we maybe follow just in case?” I ask, watching him disappear into the trees with concern.

Greg shakes his head, sitting down on the swing next to me, the one previously occupied by Brian's feet. “He'll be fine, he's done wrose,” he then twisted to look at me, “so how's volleyball?”

It was a very quick topic change, which I found odd but went with it anyways. “It's fine, we win some games and lose some. How's the computer club?” I twist away and push off the ground so that I'm now swinging.

He laughs, “it's the AV club, and it's good. So has Zeke bothered you anymore?” 

I stop the swing, “he's tried talking to me once or twice, but I just ignore him, he still thinks we're dating by the way.” I think back to seeing Zeke the other day in the hall, his friend dany with him, ota odd how when he's with dany he seems somewhat normal but the second he steps away from the guy, it's almost like something predatory takes a hold of him.

“Maybe we should act more like a couple then, just in case he sees us you know.” I'm pulled from my memory when he says this awkwardly and I smile, the nervousness on his face disappearing when I do.

“I think you might be onto something.” as if my agreeing and warm inviting smile gave him confidence, because he reaches over and pulls my swing towards him, holding me in front of him.

“Maybe we should practice for later, so it looks real.” He says quietly, his voice dropping a octve or too, and good bumps run up my arm as I realize how close we are, our knees are touching and our foreheads are only inches away.

“Yeah maybe,” I whisper and he starts to lean in, our lips touching. At first it's nice, and I like it he taste almost like honey and he smells like lavender, but then memories flood, the taste of nicotine clouding my senses replacing the nice honey taste, and the smell of lavender disappears, now the smell of alcohol mixed with B.O is all I can think about, and the image of a man who had just earlier that day told me to call him daddy, fills my mind. Instantly the kiss is ruined and I panic, afraid that if I don't move away fast enough I feel my arms being pinned down. I practically fell off the swing barely scrambling up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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