~ Chapter 10 ~

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Both Rylinn and I made the team, which she was very excited about. She still hadn't really told me why she wanted on the team, but she's happy, so I'm not gonna push it.  "What about this?" Rylinn picks up a hat off the rack at the thrift store we were checking out.

I shake my head, "you look ridiculous," I laugh, as I try on a jean jacket.

She laughs too, the hat she was wearing was huge and floppy, with a fake bird attached to it for some reason. "Really, I thought it was quite eloquent."

"Maybe a couple hundred years ago,"I tell her before putting the jacket back.  "Anyways, why are we here?"

She shrugs, "I don't know, I want a new look, something different then what people are used to when they see me."

I nod, "hmm, and what prompted this change," despite the smile still on her face, I could tell her mood had just changed completely. if I had had a different childhood I might not have noticed, but I did notice, and I knew this was something she wasn't going to talk about. "Actually you know what, it doesn't matter, so why don't you go pick out a few outfits and try them on and we'll see which style you like."

"Alright, I like the hat idea, it's like those montages in the movies when they try on clothes." She then quickly grabs a few things and heads off towards the changing rooms.

I'm sitting on the arm of a small chair near the changing rooms, when someone calls my name. "Dani, hey, I didn't think I'd run into you here."

I turn my head in the direction of the voice, "oh, hey Tori, how is everything?" Victoria combs is a grade above me, and I let her a couple days ago. She was crying outside the school, her mom just found out she had cancer, so I sat with her and let her talk to me about whatever she wanted.

"It's been okay, anyways, I'm glad I ran into you, some of my friends are going to be throwing a back to school party at the old race track, you and your friends should come." She tells me before looking over her shoulder at someone calling out to her. "I should probably get going but the party's Friday, see you there?"

I nod, "yeah, sure, sounds fun." She smiles and then leaves in the direction of her family.

Rylinn walks back out, in one of the outfits she picked out, "what do you think, I'm going for a hipster vibe."

"Well you definitely got the vibe down," I tell her laughing lightly.

She rolls her eyes and then grabs something else, but turns back, "hey who was that?"

"Oh that's just Tori, she invited us to a party at the old race track." When I say this her eyes light up and she comes back over.

"Oh my god, really l, that's so cool, we're definitely going right?" She says excitedly.

"I told her I would l, but I don't know, my curfew is like 8, and I definitely wouldn't get permission to go to a party." I explain and she thinks for a moment.

"Just get permission to spend the night at my house, we could sneak out, it wouldn't be too hard." She suggests.

"I'll ask Ms Jacobs, but if she says no, then we won't go, okay?" I tell her, not really sure if I want to go or not.

She nods, "yes, deal, okay now I have to find something to wear to the party." She then darts off to find more clothes.


I ended up getting detention, which meant I at least didn't have to go to practice and face coach Langdon. Bronwyn also got detention as well, there's about eight of us Total.  "So what's the odds that the teacher isn't even going to show up?" A guy sitting next to us asks, just as Mrs. Gleckys walks in.

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