Chapter I "Dipshit"

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Chaewon covered her bangs when a bunch of people through themselves into the pool. After a while just watching the crowd enjoying the fun of water, she decided to go inside for a drink. Nobody was around the cocktail table so she made herself a very generous one.

Parties weren't her thing, but she couldn't deny how much she loved alcohol.

To be honest she wasn't really having the best of times, she ended up in that party 'cause her friend dragged her in, it is still unknown why Yena keeps asking her to join when she disappears the moment they arrive; even so she stays more than she would like to watch for her, partying person needs a strict one apparently.

When she finished her drink she decided it was time to go, so she grabbed her purse, tried to farewell her friend, and left.

With her enormous luck, she fell at the door step stairs, thank god she was able to fell in her hands first, that didn't make the fall softer though neither the embarrassment. She got up cleaning her skirt, and checking her lower body for a bruise, luckily there wasn't any.

Her plain white dress did got a little dusty, but as some asshole already shed his drink on top of her, dust wouldn't kill her.

Putting her best face, so the gods of fate won't send her through the gates of shit, she sighed ready to leave.

She hears a laugh that interrupts her way. Chaewon looks around for the owner, but there's no one at sight, until she sees the smoke coming out from a cigarette. Was the fucking smoker laughing at her?

Chaewon, not in her best five senses, dares to answer back, even ready if that concludes in a fight.

"What you laughing at dipshit?" her voice didn't come out as intimidating as she'd like, but it was all right.

"Oh, she barks" dipshit answered, with a recognizable mocking tone.

Dipshit was a woman, she noticed.

"Would you like me to kneel and bark for you asshole?"

She did not, in fact, knew where those words where coming out from.

"Jesus, girl, chill a little" she replied taking a puff from her cigar ", I'm not looking for an argue"

Chaewon stared a moment, a little taut but most of all confused after those words.

"Well you were the one laughing, dick." she found her insult satisfying.

"It was a cute fall"

That pissed her off.

"Do you have a fetish or something?"

Dipshit laughed again, this time it sounded like genuine laughter though.

Chaewon, smiled a little too, dipshit's laugh was contagious, and to be fair, she was very drunk.



"Is that it?"

"Is that it what?" Another puff.

"Dunno, I was expecting more verbalizing" she replied with a surplus honesty.

"I don't have a fetish for drunk girls falling from a two-step stair if that's what you mean" there was a notorious burlesque tone.

"Then why did you laugh dip-"

Dipshit didn't let her curse.

"'Cause it was funny! God, do you have anyone coming for you? 'Cause there ain't no way you're leaving as drunk as you are by foot"

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