Chapter VIII "Amnesia"

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Chaewon woke up at two in the afternoon, her stomach growling and a horrible headache pounding in her head.

She couldn't even remember getting back home last night, but miraculously, she found herself curled up in her bed. To be honest, she couldn't recall anything at all; her mind was blank and throbbing with intense pain.

She took a cold shower to help wake herself up, dressed simply and took some pain relievers. Heading to the kitchen, she found a herbal tea that Sakura had prepared for her, likely left there a couple of hours ago since the tea was cold, but she drank it all nonetheless.

She was aware that Yena would be in the same state, so she didn't dare to check on her. While the painkillers kicked in, she decided to sink into the couch and watch a series that didn't require much emotion or thought.

So, she resumed "Friends" from season 5. Of course that was made on purpose, she was such a fan of Monica and Chandler's relationship.

She spent the entire afternoon on that couch, laughing out loud and reminiscing about the good times when she first watched the series. She even had lunch there, and in her single-minded focus on the show, her meal lasted for about two hours.

As the sky started to darken, she remembered the existence of her heartbeat.


Why couldn't she remember anything from last night? She had the undeniable evidence in her headache that she had overindulged in liquor, but she felt no sense of regret. Surely, everything had gone well, right?

She paused the show and went in search of her phone, which luckily she had left charging right after waking up. She checked her notifications and found various messages from the blonde.

DIPSHIT (14:26)
Did you wake up? Have you eaten yet? I bet you've got a terrible headache, let me know if you need any meds.

DIPSHIT (16:12)
Oh, by the way.
Registration for the university aptitude assessment is about to close. I know you're not entirely convinced, but I thought I'd show it to you just in case you change your mind.
It's okay if you don't fill it out!
*cat sticker*

Chaewon found herself smiling at her phone for a humiliating amount of time. She wanted to ask if it was her who brought her home, but she was ashamed to let her know that she was so drunk as to lose her memory of all events from last night.

However, she replied promptly.

CHAEWON (19:05)

Just as she began to write her second message, the screen changed and started vibrating, with the title "Dipshit calling" in the centre.

Chaewon panicked. They had never called each other before, and yes, silly as it may sound, for as many times as they had spoken confidently, it was ridiculous to feel embarrassed about talking to her. But at least through messages, she had time to craft interesting responses, whereas in a call, it's the complex art of improvisation.

Before reflecting further on the situation, she answered.

"Hey sleepyhead," Yunjin started cheerfully as always.

"I woke up hours ago!"

"Then why did it take you so long to reply to me?"

"Well... my phone was off."

"I see. Thankfully, you had your usual party saviour yesterday."

Chaewon interpreted it, with satisfaction, as Yunjin indeed having brought her home. Besides, who else knows her address? Yena, but Yena is a different case; she wouldn't be surprised if instead of being in her bed recovering, she was still at the same party.

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