Chapter VII "JenJen"

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Despite the darkness and the distant silence, Chaewon couldn't bring herself to invite Yunjin to stay the night.

Throughout their time together, she never even considered the possibility of Yunjin staying over at her apartment until sleep began to creep up on both girls. The mere thought of Yunjin sleeping there with her was terrifying; they wouldn't have to share the same bed, but just the idea of sharing the same roof so intimately with someone she had indecent thoughts about all night was horrendous.

Lovely, but atrocious.

Though the invitation couldn't materialize into words, the blonde ended up leaving, calling for an Uber.

Chaewon would have liked to pay for it, but the girl was too quick and didn't give her the chance. However, she assured Yunjin that she could visit anytime.

They didn't get to see each other much the following week, except for the day she had a two-hour window, during which Chaewon felt the impulsive urge to visit her at university. She clearly indicated beforehand that she would, as showing up unexpectedly made her very nervous, especially if the blonde was with her friends... Oh no no no, that was scary.

She also saw it as an opportunity to explore the study rooms, where she planned to sneak in some time to read her philosophy books and browse through those on the library shelves.

After that meeting, which was quite pleasant by the way, there was a moment when Yunjin linked their arms to walk between the faculties, and even suggested going to find her friends to introduce them. Chaewon said she preferred another time, as she was feeling very shy and wouldn't know what to say, but she promised to be braver next time.

Even though they didn't have a 'special' relationship, she had grown quite fond of the blonde and felt that affection was reciprocated, even if it was within the realm of friendship. So she would work on adapting to Yunjin's reality as well, and not confine her to her comfort bubble. She would make an effort.

By the end of that week, she found a rather peculiar duo at her door.

Yunjin and Yena were grinning from ear to ear in the hallway of the building.

"What are you two up to?" she asked suspiciously, widening the door opening so they could come in.

After the encounter with Sakura and Yunjin, she was afraid of the embarrassment her wild neighbour could make her go through.

"You are cordially invited to join us at a faculty party. You have every right to join us, and absolute prohibition to refuse. If you do, we'll be forced to bring the party here," said Yena with a playful and conspiratorial tone, having the blonde by her side.

How could she say no to an invitation involving Yunjin? Impossible.


"You're considering it!!" exclaimed Yena excitedly.

Chaewon was aware of Yunjin's reluctance to attend, she wasn't a party soul either, but if she was there, in her apartment, pleading with a smile for her to come along, of course she would say yes.

Plus, it wouldn't be as terrible as the last times, she would be with Yunjin. And that meant fun and a safe space in the same place.

They arrived at the party after a somewhat long journey. A friend of Yena's offered to drive them as they lived nearby, which saved them a lot of money on transportation.

Before leaving, Chaewon touched up her makeup and changed into something more appropriate for a party. She wore a crocheted top, courtesy of Sakura, which looked lovely with a cream-colored skirt, and it made a nice contrast with her black hair.

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