Chapter IV "Dirty Player"

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Chaewon took a seat in the park they both had discussed about. She sat nervously checking her phone every minute, fixing her bangs, putting some lip gloss on, or even just scrolling posts.

Pathetic. She's aware.

There were lots of people hanging around, some mellow couples and groups of friends, most of them sleeping. Does university get you that sleep-deprived?

She hopes it's not everyone's case. What would she do without sleeping the right amount of hours? She'll die.

Even so, that tiring aspect everyone wore didn't make her lose her desire to study something that she'd feel passion for. People who were willing to sacrifice their own physical needs just to learn everything on a specific matter, spending hours just searching, writing, and understanding, should take lots of courage. Courage she wanted.

She was pretty good at humanities, at least out of the three popular thematics, humanities was the easiest and most enjoyable to her. Since little she has always wanted to make a change in the world, maybe not as big as naive people aspire, but something subtle, a change that could grow eventually into something greater, a bigger movement that she'd put the first rock into.

Every time she checks her social media and sees corruption, criminal activities, information misleading, she feels something deep inside her brain that bugs her, like a silly little voice that calls her names for not working in the government system, to at least try and act out the kindest of her intentions.

But how could she make a change in an individualistic world? One that only seeks for own good being, rather than acknowledging that as a society, we all should act politically towards a greater good, without the selfish profanities we commit to achieve personal benefits.

Could she change something like that? Something so paradigmatic?

Probably not. But she could try at least, no?

As she had a fun time with her thinking and potential decisions in life, a tall woman approached her.

Dipshit's finally here.

Looking rather pretty.

She was wearing a short, simple black dress, plain but with good accessories that gave her an expensive shape. If that natural outfit could make her look gorgeous, just imagine the possibility of her wearing something more pretentious, she'd look like a literal goddess.

Alrighty, what is she thinking about? Stop that right now.

Her blonde hair was styled in waves, oceanly waves that made her face glow, looking pretty feminine with blush on her cheeks and attractive red lipstick.

Did she dress up for that meeting? Or is she always looking that beautiful?

She hopes it is the first alternative, she could not bear seeing her so goddamn pretty every day.

"Hey thief" she called with a mocking voice.

"Dipshit" she replied with pride.

Maybe if she takes a defensive attitude, Jennifer would not catch her looking at her lovingly.

"Had a nice trip?"

"Quite good actually, my place isn't so far away"

"That's nice to hear. I hope this tells you that I have not searched where you live. "

"But you literally have my direction in the Uber app. You expect me to believe you haven't checked?"

Jennifer shrugged, smiling somehow attractively.

"I know I had it that night, but I was a little drunk so I cannot remember really," she looked at her, the wind hitting her hair delicately "I'm not a stalker you know."

Chaewon kept quiet for a second, a little astonished.

"Why are you surprised?" she asked with a chuckle.

"I guess I'm rather curious, I would've checked if I was you." she confessed a little embarrassed "Not as something weird, you know, just curiosity killing the cat."

"I see."

Jennifer started to penetrate her with her eyes, her intense but sweet-shaped gaze. Chaewon felt so damn nervous. Is she blushing? She couldn't be.

Her eyes were brown, but not as dark as she remembered them. With the sun resting on her face, her eyes looked more honey-like.

What a pretty girl.

Shut up Chaewon.

"How long is your window?" she asked, breaking the awkward eye contact.

"About two hours. Sucks when you don't have the appropriate company you know, but I think this is quite fun. "

She did not know if she ought to be offended.

"Am I an unpleasant company to you or what?"

"The opposite actually. My friends have classes at this hour, so I'm always alone. It's not so bad when I have to finish projects or catch up on some lectures. So it is really nice to have you here." she paused, thinking carefully what was next "At first I was a little scared of this meeting, I had to confess."


"The night we met, you were a little drunk, so I feared you would not like me much being sober."

That genuine voice made her heart tender. She was so thankful Dipshit could not read minds because right now, her thoughts were an ovation to Jennifer's beauty.

"And how you feel now?"

"Dunno. You look at me pretty funny."

Chaewon could not help but laugh at that. What did she mean? She couldn't be referring to her looking tenderly, right? RIGHT?

"Wha- What do you mean? You bullying me or something?" she frowned to hide her embarrassment.

Jennifer's smile only grew larger. Her! Goddamn! Smile! She was not allowed to have such an attractive smile.

Fuck her. She had no right.

Chaewon felt her cheeks burn hot. This could not be happening to her. She hid her face in her palms. She was very much aware of how that little act just got her discovered, but she could not stand being seen like that!

"Why are you hiding, eh?" her hands touched Chaewon's, trying to pull them off "I was also looking at you, why are you embarrassed huh?"

"What do you do to say such things so easily?" she asked annoyed, she was previously nervous and now with their hands touching it was even worse.

"It's easier to be honest and show your feelings rather than hiding 'em. It can be embarrassing, but what do you have to lose?" she said confidently "If I like somebody I'm gonna tell 'em shamelessly, if I like someone's outfit too, and personality. It applies to all. I rather be genuine in that aspect."

"You said nothing about me"

Chaewon wasn't really sure why she said that with a bitter taste in her mouth, but she could feel her annoyence grow for not receiving this girl compliments.

"You didn't let me build the ambient! I thought I could be rushing the situation."

"So what?"

Jennifer laughed again, her hand covering her mouth. Why would she hide such a pretty view?

Selfish. Gatekeeping.

"You look gorgeous Chaewon, I wish I could've saw your natural blush, I'm sure it was the prettiest instance to see your face"


"Ey!" She laughed again, hitting her shoulder with her hand. Chaewon smiled feeling flourishing joy "You reclaimed compliments! That's not fair, you dirty player"

"Dirty player and all you want, but I always win" she said cheekily.


thank you for supporting the story ^^ any corrections you would make, please tell me !!

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