Chapter V "Fake Name"

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Chaewon got home after that two-hour meeting. The time passed so fast, that she wished Jennifer's window would've lasted longer

As she promised, they walked around the campus. Jennifer showed her the different buildings for each department in the facility, even hers. If they had more time, she would've shown her even the bathrooms, but the clock's always ticking.

They said goodbye with an awkward hug but sweet enough for Chaewon to catch Dipshit's smell.

The goddamn girl. It isn't enough to be gorgeous, funny, charming but also, she has to smell wonderful. It gets to her bloody nerves.

How come she ended up talking with such a heavenly girl?

Jennifer must be a witch or something because Chaewon's mind did not have these sorts of thoughts before meeting her. Some weird mind manipulation, maybe.

"I'M HERE!" Sakura screamed as the door opened, she jumped out of fear.

How is she gonna tell her that the meeting was amazing? Not only the girl is a poem to recite, but she now knows that her mind is screwed. Every time she closes her eyes, she thinks of that golden-haired girl.

Call it attraction, call it what you want to, but she's a hundred percent sure that this flourishing feeling will not fade anytime soon.

"I bought lots of candy and alcohol, so you and I, can have fun while casually bringing up our romantic interests. But casually, you know." she kept talking while moving through the house, as she came closer to her room, the voice grew louder and more inspired "You already dropped the bomb on me by confessing that your love bird it's actually a girl. I was so sure it was a boy! Why didn't you correct me, eh? You liar! I'm sure you had fun with my lack of knowledge!"

As she kept singing words, Chaewon started to organise all the things her friend brought to eat, it was too much for only two people, but when Sakura was excited, there was nothing really to stop her.

She opened the bottle of soju and poured some into the glasses.

"I want details, you liar. Oh! Wait a second, I was supposed to bring Yena here too. " she remembered the second she sat.

"Wait, what?"

"I'm aware she participated in this whole cupid mission. She deserves to know."


She screamed at her friend as she disappeared through the door again.

She heard how Sakura knocked Yena's door, exchanged some words, and brought her up to the apartment.

She liked her friend very much, but she felt truly embarrassed now that the person who was expecting to hear juicy details had now transformed into two. Chaewon has never revealed her deepest feelings towards Yena, and with Sakura, no matter how close, she never discusses this kind of things so inconclusive.

What if nothing happens with Jennifer? What is she supposed to tell her friends? That she failed?

This is getting a little too uncomfortable.

She poured another glass while feeling her mouth go dry.

"Is this about the Yunjin girl?" Yena said, focused only on her cup.

"Who?" Chaewon asked confused, there had never been a 'Yunjin girl'.

"What do you mean by who?" Yena looked at her incredulously "The blonde girl who asked for your number, duh."

"Yes, that's the girl, but her name's Jennifer, you must be confused with all the people you me-"

"Silly girl." Yena laughed loudly "She uses her American name at parties, to protect her private life or something like that. But her true name is Yunjin. I thought you knew."

"I didn't."

She confessed embarrassed, and a little hurt. Why did Yena know her true name? They weren't even close! Right? She would've told her if that were the case, to help her out or something. Warn her even, if Dipshit wasn't a good person to be around!

She felt so offended now. But not with their friends. With this 'Yunjin'.

Why didn't she reveal that? Chaewon told her, her true name! They even hang out!

She felt the urge to type her impulsively about this. Was she hiding something or what?

"You hanging out with someone you don't even know its true name?" Sakura asked worried "That's not good, might be dangerous even."

"Nah. Yunjin's a good girl."

"What do you know?" Chaewon asked quite defensively.

"We are not close if that's your concern." Yena clarified "But I know her sister, as she hosts many of the parties I go to, so by consequence, we run into each other, and have exchanged some words."

Chaewons narrowed her eyes, still offended, somewhat reluctant to believe her friend's explanation, however genuine it was.

"Still. We spent two hours together, and she couldn't even tell me her name. She must not like me if she prefers to share her costume personality with me."

Her throat hurt a little while saying that, the alcohol was working a little too much. She looked down at her glass, almost empty. Proudly she refilled her vase.

"Did you ask her?"

"Nah, Kkura. She told me her name was Jennifer, why would I distrust that and ask her again?"

"You're right. What a bitch."

"Don't call her that." she found herself defending that girl, doesn't matter how upset she was right now, she couldn't tolerate other people calling her names.

Stupid feelings.

You've recently known her! You cannot fall so hard. Wake up Chaewon.

Both of her friends exchanged playful looks, that only made Chaewon feel more embarrassed about the whole situation.

"Text her if it upsets you so much. If she likes you back, she will give you every explanation you want."

Yena suggested. Chaewon grabbed her phone at the speed of light and texted her without doubts.

CHAEWON (21:36)
Why didn't you tell me your real name?


"Now, putting that aside how was the date?" Sakura asked with hope.

Chaewon letting the alcohol alter her moods quickly, shared every detail of that meeting, the one she was unsure of calling it a date, but as the girls named like that, she felt a little more confident.

She even recited Dipshit's beauty as a paint in the museum.

She was not able to feel ashamed to admit the privileged sight of her eyes, she was losing her sense of conscience and at the same time, her modesty. So she continued to recite the aspects that captured her heart of Yunjin's physique and personality.


What a beautiful name, why would she hide it from Chaewon? If she wasn't so attached to her nickname 'Dipshit' she would probably adore calling her by her name limitless times.

As she sang an ode to Yunjin's beauty, she felt her cell phone vibrate, her phone screen lighting up and the reply message appearing.

DIPSHIT (21:49)
I'm sorry, darling.
I forgot to correct you.
And you're used to calling me silly names rather than my true one, so there wasn't much of a chance to tell you.
But I'm sorry if I offended you in some sort.
I'm guessing you already know that it's 'Yunjin', I hope this doesn't change things, I wasn't trying to hide anything from you, I just forgot.
I'm sorry.
*crying cat*

Chaewon felt a smile slip across her lips. The other girls tried to look at her phone excitedly at what the blonde was saying, but out of instinct, the black-haired hid her cell phone.

She had already shared her evening in detail, there were some things she wanted to treasure.

The fact that Yunjin had called her darling, unsettled her heart.

"I really like her, what am I supposed to do?" she admitted with flushed cheeks.


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