Chapter XIII "Soul"

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After such a tumultuous conversation, or rather, one categorized as uncomfortable, one might think it best to let some time pass and allow the waters to calm, right? But for Chaewon, every moment of the conversation they shared was necessary.

She felt that both had gained much from sharing their emotions, that even if Yunjin rejected her in the next few seconds, it was a step forward because she was aware that she had stirred something in the blonde's mind, now recognizing the negativity in her way of always presenting the good side.

Within the short time she had known her, she was so familiar with Yunjin's behavior, having been that way herself once. So fragile that she feared others would take advantage of it.

But she learned that in everyone's fragility lies the most genuine part of us all: our survival instinct, our ability to sacrifice everything for our beliefs and passions, our irrational feelings, everything that at its highest expression can break us.

So there she was, on her way to Yunjin's apartment, both walking in silence under the moonlight, their arms occasionally brushing against each other and exchanging smiles now and then.

How she wished Yunjin would take her hand as she had done hours before...

Upon arrival, Chaewon was invited to explore Yunjin's entire apartment. It was warm and filled with decorations that suited Yunjin's personality perfectly. Various paintings adorned each wall, shelves filled with old and new books, plants and vines decorating both empty spaces and those overflowing with content.

In the center stood a record player, with a small cabinet storing vinyl records. Interested, Chaewon knelt down to examine each of the musical discs. Yunjin collected all kinds, but above all, old records.

From Frank Sinatra, Fleetwood Mac, and ABBA, to Amy Winehouse, Journey, and Taylor Swift, and many more bands and artists that left the raven-haired girl amazed. She would love to have the time to listen to each one of them.

Yunjin, whom she felt somewhat insecure about behind her, began to approach slowly, kneeling beside her.

"Do you want something to drink?" she asked.

"Water would be fine. Thank you."

Yunjin shyly got up and returned with two glasses.

"Are you a collector, JenJen?" she asked.

"Some people could say that, yeah." she answered humbly "You like them?"

"Well, yes, I love the idea of ​​collecting music through perhaps more old-fashioned methods, but I've seen that it's an unaffordable way to collect music... So seeing that you have so many, and from artists that I really love, is impressive," Chaewon paused for a moment, while placing Frank by Amy Winehouse, "I didn't know you were a music enthusiast, Yunjin, this is a very beautiful discovery to be frank..."

"I don't usually say it, I feel like it's quite generic for us to like music, we all go out with our headphones, don't we?"

"Don't be like that," she scolded her for her modesty, "the difference between those who frequently listen to music as background to their lives and those who live it with every step and heartbeat is evident. I wouldn't be surprised if you knew how to play an instrument, even if it's your voice."

The silence and Yunjin's timid glance gave her the answer.

Her version, so shy and quiet, didn't evoke any negative feelings in Chaewon; on the contrary, seeing her so exposed to nervousness made her seem so real, such a raw version of herself that only elicited more affection in her heart.

Oh Yunjin, even if you shattered my heart, I would still find reasons to love you.

"What do you play?" she asked.

"Well..." she cleared her throat and began to fidget with her fingers, "I know a bit of guitar and I'm learning piano."

"Wow," Chaewon reacted genuinely, "any particular reason?"

"To accompany my voice."

Chaewon opened her mouth in surprise; she had never imagined the blonde under a spotlight transmitting her voice, but now that she knew, she couldn't think of anything else but listening to her and praising her in every way.

"Do you compose?"

"I do what I can."

"You're probably being modest again."

"It's not true," she said, laughing for the first time that night, something in Chaewon's heart twisted with tenderness, "it's just that I've never shown it to anyone, you know? So I usually distance myself from the topic as quickly as possible so that people don't think I'm a professional and then end up disappointed."

"I don't think you're a professional."

"You only say that so I'll show you."


Both laughed confidently, leaning on each other's bodies as they laughed to the rhythm of their expressions.

"You don't need to show me, I just want you to know that telling me has meant a lot to me... I think knowing these characteristics of yours, your intimate hobbies, brings me much more happiness than any banality we could talk about. You're a person full of treasures, Yunjin."

The blonde remained silent, her eyes sparkling as she looked into Chaewon's.

For a moment, Chaewon felt an overwhelming need to kiss her. It was just a second, but it was enough to fill her mind with that single thought.

There was no turning back.

Would Yunjin allow her to kiss her?

She observed her silently for a few more seconds as I Heard Love Is Blind played. Chaewon dared to lower her gaze and long for her plump, pink lips, shiny and timid, which, accustomed to laughter, were now sealed in the tranquillity of the night.

Slowly, Chaewon approached, placing one hand beside Yunjin's legs and the other daring to gently caress her face. As soon as she initiated contact, Yunjin's eyes closed, and her head tilted to feel the full touch of her palm, which softly stroked her hair, suggesting.

Chaewon raised both eyebrows in a questioning gesture, to which Yunjin locked her eyes with hers, granting her permission to approach in any way she wished.

To which Chaewon responded skillfully, bringing her face closer to Yunjin's and delicately pressing her lips against hers.

Only the moon and Soul were witnesses to the love they shared that night.


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