Chapter :6 Fruit of the poisoned tree

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Klaus was in the living room with his siblings when he saw Hayley come in. Elena was talking to someone on the phone.
Elena: So, Bonnie dropped the veil and you and Jeremy are alive.
It was Alaric

Alaric: Yeah. Elena, Elle told me and Jeremy about ur and Hayley's pregnancies. And you should know we are really happy about it. We don't care who the father. Bonnie on the other hand is not that happy about Klaus being the father. But she is happy that you are going to be a mother.

Elena: Well at least I have yours, Jeremy's and Elle's blessings. And Caroline's too.

Alaric: Yeah. Give Hayley my best.

Elena: Will do. Bye, Ric. I love you

Alaric: I love you too Lena.
Saying this they hang up. Elena climbed out of the bed and went down. She went to the kitchen were Hayley and Elijah had just finished talking and Elijah and Elena greeted each other. Elena went to Hayley and asked
Elena: What was that all about?

Hayley: He just wanted to find out what he missed.

Elena: Ok.
Hayley: What
Elena: Nothing.
Hayley: Just say it.
Elena: I think my likes you. Like you know.
Hayley(with a playful smile): Like you and Kla..
Elena (cutting her): Don't say it.
Saying that she started eating cornflakes and Hayley chuckled. Unknown to them Klaus was listening to their conversation and he knew how Elijah felt for Hayley. Elijah was talking about helping Davina, when the girls walked into the living room.
Elena/Hayley: Elijah...
The siblings looked at the werewolf sisters. Elena motioned Hayley to speak.
Hayley: Keep her safe no matter what you have to do.

Elijah: You have my word.
Elena knew that he would do it. The brothers started to leave. Elijah looked at Hayley and Klaus looked at Elena. Elena was in her room reading a book when she felt a prick in her neck. She knew this was Sophie related and went down to see if her sister was OK. Rebekah saw Elena's neck and said
Rebekah: Please don't die on my watch the both of you. Or else my brothers will kill me. After Rebekah had tended to the werewolf sisters, she gave them an apple.
Hayley: You know when I first met you I thought you were a real bitch.

Elena: Yeah, me too

Rebekah: What changed your mind? I know that Elena and I started being friends after Elle became a vampire

Hayley: Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you.

Rebekah: Well that's sweet of you to say. Remember it when I'm gone.

Elena/Hayley: Gone...

Hayley: Where are you going?

Rebekah: I only came to town to make sure everything was ok with Elijah. He's fine and he hasn't punished Klaus for daggering him, so as usual they will be thick as thieves, and I'll be left to clean the mess. It's time for me to fly the coop.

Hayley: Ok.

The sisters were about to take a bite of the apple, when they felt dizzy.

Rebekah: What's wrong.

Elena: I don't know.

Hayley: Probably morning sickness.

Rebekah (While touching their forehead): You're burning up. The both of you.

The girls were burning up even more. So Elijah said
Elijah: They're burning up. We need to do this now.

Sophie: Get them in the water.
Rebekah and Elijah were helping the sisters get in the water.
Rebekah: How is swimming supposed to help them.

Sophie: Their temperature is sky high, and the water, with help of the herbs, should cool us down.
She jumped in the water and handed them the herbs said,
Sophie: Drink this. You're gonna have to get her heart rates down.

Elijah: And how do you suggest we do that?

Sophie: Hold them. It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate beating and reduce blood pressure.

Rebekah (Holding Elena): This is never gonna work.

Elijah: Davina will break the link. We just need time.
After struggling for sometime Elena and Hayley felt the link broken.
Sophie: I just felt it lift.

Elena(Looking at Hayley): She did it Hayley.

Sophie pricks her finger with a needle and Elena and Hayley don't bleed. Elijah went to talk to Sophie, then, Elena and Hayley hugged each other. They saw Sophie and went near her.
Elena: Here's a warning. Elijah chose his words very carefully.

Hayley: I know you were just trying to use me and my sister to save your people, but try it again and I'll kill you.

Elena: And I'll help without any hesitation.

Elena and Hayley were in the home when Josh came. They were talking to him near the door,
Josh: Where is he. I've been trying to find him all day.

Elena: We're not his damn keepers Josh.

Josh: Fine. Just tell him to give me a call.

Hayley: Ok.
Then the shut the door. After sometime there was a knock at the door. The girls thought it was Josh.
Hayley: What the hell Josh?
But they were shocked to see Marcel. Elena had showed her a picture of him.
Marcel: Hi. I'm Marcel. You must be the other sister. I don't think we've met.

Elijah was in the house looking for the girls. Klaus came in and said,
Klaus: Marcel was here.

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