Chapter :26 Live And Let Live

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Elijah came into the compound looking for Klaus.

Elijah: Brother! Niklaus!

Hayley and Elena, who were already there, walk towards him and saw,

Hayley: You do realize that literally everyone here has supernatural hearing, right?

Elijah: Where is my brother?

Hayley (Pulling her phone out): Oh, I'll check his calendar. Wait. No. Not his wife, so... Although might be his wife, but she doesn't know this too.

Elijah: Hayley, this city is under siege by an army of beasts following my deranged mother's every command. Now, considering it was your people who just declared war on my kind, perhaps now's not the best time for your particular brand of sass.

Elena could tell that Hayley looked annoyed.

Hayley: Klaus left a while ago. If you want to find him, I can't help you. If only there was a magical device that people use to call people. I don't know. I'm out of ideas. Good luck. (She starts walking away and turns around and walks towards him to say) Oh, one more thing, Elijah. Those beasts that you're referring to, they may be under Esther's control, but like you said, they're my people, and Elena's. So, if you hurt them, your bitch mother will be the least of your problems.

She walks away. Elijah looks at his little sister, who flies him across the room and says,

Elena: Talk to her again like that Elijah, and you are dead.

She walks out of the compound. She sees Klaus smirking at her. She walked towards him and said,

Elena: Why did ask you text me to meet you here? And why are you smirking at me?

Klaus: I'm going to find your little sister and as you said you don't want us together alone because we may kill each other, you're coming. And also, I heard you fly my brother across the room.

Elena: Well, he deserved it. No one hurts my sister and lives. You guys are originals are you are alive.

They both of them vamp to the place where Cami was talking to Davina. They hear Davina say,

Davina: Thanks for calling. It's good to hear your voice and please tell my sisters that I'm safe and I love them and to Elena that I'm sorry.

Cami: Davina? Davina?

Klaus: Well, that was rather rude. (She turns to see Elena and Klaus leaning on a pole) Well, it's a pleasure to see you, too, Camille.

Elena: Hey Cami.

Cami: Don't... Don't do that crooked smile thing, ok? I haven't seen you two for months, and now you're appearing out of the blue. What do you want?

Klaus (Walking towards her): I have a rather long list of people I need to track down and deal with, and at the top of that list is a certain runaway witch, who happened to be the lovely Elena's sister.

Cami: Maybe she doesn't want to be found.

Klaus: And for a good reason. Had I magically resurrected the insane vampire- hunting father of my sworn enemy, I'd be hiding too.

Cami: Wait. What?

Elena: Oh, haven't you heard?

Klaus: Mikael the destroyer back from the dead, and by all accounts under the complete control of your littler friend and my girlfriend's sister Davina.

Cami: Girlfriend?

Elena: We haven't covered that topic yet.

Cami: Well, you heard her clearly. She didn't say where she was.

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