Running Away

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Tobias P.O.V.

I wanted to smack myself for running from her. What kind of guy did that? Jerks, I answered myself. I'm not sure how I will even be able to look at her the next time I see her. Wait! Did I just imply that I would see her again? No, I doubt she would want to see me after that. I groaned as I thought of it again.

"Tobias James Eaton, why are you groaning? You got your stuff back from that girl. You run one of the most successful charities. You have nothing to be groaning about. You got away from your dad. You haven't got any annoying siblings to bug you. I don't see what your problem is." Zeke said as he watched me carefully. I had met up with him at a coffee shop. I couldn't text him because apparently while I was making a quick getaway, I had grabbed Beatrice's phone. He phone kept getting calls and messages from a guy named Caleb. I knew she was too pretty not to have  a boyfriend.                                                      

"I met someone. The girl who had my suitcase actually. I kind of like her, so I kissed her. She kissed me back so she must like me back. But the thing is, I got scared of what she would think about me that I pulled away, grabbed my phone and my suitcase, and took off. The only thing is I didn't grab my phone. I grabbed hers." I wasn't going to tell him about the spark until later, maybe never. How do you explain a connection so strong to someone like Zeke. Zeke wasn't a player, he had a girlfriend. He was just very childish, and if I told him this I would never hear the end of this.

"Dude, you screwed up royally," said Shauna. She was Zeke's girlfriend. She was indeed pretty but she wasn't Tris. She was tall, whereas Tris was short. She was everything Tris wasn't and Tris was so much more that Shauna. I hadn't even known that much about Tris, but I knew it. Shauna and I had been friends for a while. We had even dated back in high school before she met Zeke and we broke up mutually saying it wouldn't work. We weren't attracted to each other, we were just friends. She was the girl I could talk to when I needed girl help. I had only needed it once. I was ashamed to have even asked her for help to think about it now. The way we had ended up, what she had ended up doing. It set me off girls until now. It had been a few years ago but it still stung.


"Lauren, are you home?"  I called into the house when I had gotten home from a late night at the fundraiser we had for the charity. I heard a few moans come from the direction of our room. I had at first thought she was in pain but I soon realized what was going on when I heard a male's voice.

"Lauren, come on. He is working late tonight. It's only 9:30. He shouldn't be home for another hour or two. Let's finish this now." He said. I knew who is was the instant I had heard the voice. It was my other high school friend, Peter Hayes. I was hurt. Peter knew how long Lauren and I had been together. We had been together for almost two years. Now that I started to think, Lauren had always seemed a little panicky when Peter was around. I had always thought it was discomfort, now I knew that it was the fact that they had been screwing behind my back. If they had wanted to be together that bad, I wasn't going to get my heart broken any more and stand in the way.

I walked to the bedroom with quiet footsteps. I didn't want them to know I was here just yet. I knew I  had already gave myself away by calling to her but Peter seemed to think I wasn't home yet so I took full advantage to it. I got to the door and stopped. I could hear them going at it. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open so hard that it hit the wall and put a hole in it. Peter jumped off of Lauren so fast that I couldn't even describe it. Not that I had wanted to anyways.

  "Lauren, I thought you loved me." I said calmly. It was so calm that I had scared myself a little. A look of horror crossed her face.

"I do, Tobias, I do." She said. She had started sobbing.

"How long?" I know I shouldn't ask but I wanted to know how long she had been cheating on me.

"A few months now." She whimpered. She started to get out of bed but I raised my hand and she stopped moving, watching me. "What are you going to do now?" She sounded genuinely concerned, too bad I didn't care anymore.

  "What I should have done a long time ago, Laruen. I'm going to move sell this place, and just move away from here. Move away from you. You won't care. You've been screwing this a**wipe for months. Goodbye, Lauren, Peter." I said as I was walking to the door. I stopped and turned around. This guy had been screwing my girlfriend for months. He deserved a little more than that. I walked over to him and swung my fist into his jaw. He was knocked out instantly. I sighed and walked out of the house. I walked to my car, got in and drove off.


I picked up her phone. I had hacked into it an hour ago. I went to her contacts and found my name. I selected it and put the ringing phone to my ear.





  "Hey, Beatrice, it's me."

  Hey, guys. It's me. I'm a little sad about what happened in this chapter but hey, it had to be done. I am happy though that I wrote this in under an hour. I think you can tell... It isn't that great. The point is, I tried. Well this chapter without the authors note was 999 words long. I'm pretty proud of that. Well ill go. With this I leave you. Peace out.


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