Pick Up the Phone!

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I sat down on my bed and looked out the window. We haven't even been on vacation for a day and I had already met someone. I would tell Christina but what's the point? He left me there without my phone, in the rain, and defenseless. I sighed.  Did I do something wrong? Did I not kiss him the way he wanted? I sighed again and walked to the balcony that was attached to the room. I stood by the rail and leaned out and watched the clouds go by. I was lost in thought when my phone rang, startling me out of my deep thoughts.



Ring.  I sighed and answered it. I was still locked out but I could answer calls still.

"Hello," I said. I felt a little bad  about answering it but the person on the other line should have at least been told that I had Tobias's phone.

"Beatrice, it's me." His voice filled the line. I was so shocked that I hung up immediately. When I realized what I had done, I cried in frustration as I tried to get into his phone once again. I nearly cried when the phone rang again.

"I'm sorry." I said. I didn't look at the number but I had assumed it was him. I was up for a surprise when I realized who it was.

  "Who is this? This isn't Tobias." A deep, raspy male voice spoke. Who was this?

"Who is this? You called me.. I mean Tobias." I stuttered.  I slapped my forehead, stuttering really?

"This is Lucas." He said.

"Tobias isn't here." I said.

"I know." He said with sarcasm.

"Then why did you call?" I questioned.

"I needed to hear your voice." He said. I stopped breathing for a minute.

"You don't even know me." I rasped.

" I know you more than you know yourself." He said. I hung up and threw the phone into the room and it hit a wall. If it broke I would just buy Tobias  a new phone. I walked inside and took a long hot shower.

Tobias P.O.V.

She hung up. I didn't even get to apologize for taking her phone. Well I needed to apologize for running after I kissed her, but that wasn't the point. I really screwed up. I called again but the phone was busy. I knew she didn't call someone because I made sure that my phone was completely unhackable. Someone must have called her. I waited for ten minutes and tried again. This time the call went through.





My voicemail came on. I didn't end the call though because I had already thrown the phone at the wall.

"Hello, It's Tobias. I can't get to the phone right now so please leave your number or call again later. Thank you. Bye." The voicemail ended and so did the call. Her phone didn't even leave a voicemail.

"Tobias!" Someone yelled running into my room. "Tobias, get up and pack a bag! Right now!'' They yelled. Zeke came into view and he was crying. "Zeke, what's wrong?" I asked gently.

"My mom. She's in the hospital. I need to go now and she wants you there.'' I rushed into my room and packed a bag. I grabbed my wallet and we were off. We went to the airport and we were on our plane. I didn't even think of Tris once since Zeke came in.

"Let's hope she is okay." I said as the plane took off.

Tris P.O.V.

I called Tobias when the day had gone by. I needed my phone and moping wasn't the way to do it. I called him and it went to voicemail. I left a voicemail.

"Hey Tobias. If you called my I assume you know what my password is. I you know my password then of course you could get into my voicemail. Well we need to meet up. I need my phone and us not talking isn't helping either of our cases. Call me back. Bye." I hung up. I waited for three hours before I called again.  The results were the same. They were the same two days later when I called again.

"Tobias!" I cried. "Why can't you pick up the phone?" I yelled to the door in my room. I hadn't left my room today. I didn't want to miss his call. I know I was being extreme but I need my phone because I wouldn't be in California that long. I sighed and took a nap.  "Please just pick up the phone." I muttered as I fell asleep.

 This chapter was pretty much just a filler. I took me a while to write it but I am just not focusing right now. I just needed to update. This chapter is only 722 words. Yes ill go into detail about Lucas. I will also explain Zeke's situation with his mother. You'll laugh if I told you that I only wrote Beatrice's P.O.V the second time was because I wrote the title and I felt that it would be understood better if I had more. Well with this I leave you. Peace out.


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